Chapter 4: Obligations

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They both took the last rows of seats, with a spare in the middle.

If it wasn't for the driver who snapped both of them from the situation, it would've last longer.

Neither of them talked after it, finding themselves in an awkward position that won't last if no one would sit in between.

Even a single glance, both couldn't take.

It seems like the fierce girl inside Maricar was breached. Her eyes were still angry and serious but deep inside she's a little nervous.

‘I should apologize, right?’

She cleared her throat, trying to get the attention of the guy.

Pierre didn't react.

Maricar tried once more, this time, louder and more noticeable. She was staring at him, waiting to look back.

He finally noticed her stare. Pierre slowly smiled awkwardly.

‘She's not trying to hit on me, is she?’

“I'm sorry about what happened earlier.”

‘Oh… is she talking about her loud ringing phone or about holding my hand? Nevermind.’

Pierre chuckled lightly, “Accepted.”

Nothing was discussed further. Maricar finally arrived at her destination and got off the bus first.

Pierre was staring at her while going out of the bus when she took a quick glance on him before hopping off.

‘Weird, I think I saw her before. That figure, it looks like that girl last night.’

He messaged his dorm mates and asked again who is Maricar.

Pierre haven't got a clear answer since that night. The only answer he got from his dorm mates was:

‘I suggest to forget knowing her.’

After a minute, Marco send a photo.

It was the photo in the controversial post in the forum. But it was enough for him to conclude that his hunch earlier was right.

The same dress Maricar wore was in the picture. Her extremely fair and porcelain-like face matched the girl today.

Pierre took a deep breath, seemed to have been troubled more.

He ponder overnight whether he would see her or not. In the end, he concluded on seeing her just this morning.

Pierre regretted on not knowing her. He should've been out of his obligation from now.

And because of that decision, he has to trouble himself for three more days.

He typed on his phone, ‘Thank you.’


Mr. Geron slammed his palm on the table. He was never as angry as today from his life. Both the daughter and the father had their own limits exceeded.

He was so disappointed with Maricar that he wanted to give her a hard time. Not just his daughter's name was tainted, but also their surname.

As she tried to sit down, Mr. Geron scolded her.

“Stand straight!”

Maricar groaned.

She was scratching her feet from the long walk she had on the way home. It felt like a trek up a mountain.

It was her fault that she wore heels today. Well, she always wear one but didn't consider what could happen.

Maricar can only stand still and hold on the pulsating feeling on her feet while her father is looking with fiery eyes.

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