Chapter 8: Awkward

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The ice cubes in the coffee Maricar bought earlier were all melted yet she was still half on cleaning the room.

She sat on the already cleaned bed and wiped her sweat on her temple.

‘I should've learned how to clean a room before.’

She threw the broom in annoyance.

Maricar was spoiled in her parents' house. From cleaning rooms to cooking meals, she only knew a little. Thinking that having an income, it would be enough for her to be able to live independently but there's still more things she needs to learn.

Looking around the half messy room, she checked the time on her phone. Her eyes widened after seeing what's on her screen.

“It's already five o'clock!?”

A few hours ago, she started cleaning. Now frustrated, the young lady is not as motivated as before.

This was harder than she thought it would be.

On the other side of the room, Pierre peeped at the living room, then the kitchen, only finding out that the girl didn't come out of her room since she entered.

Pierre started to think what would that woman do. She was cleaning inside and Pierre thought that maybe she haven't finish.

‘She was a spoiled kid, she doesn't know how to clean a room. But that's too absurd.’

His forehead wrinkled and pursed his lips.

The young man was on the doorframe, leaning on it while thinking on what he should do to talk with the mademoiselle inside.

Maricar, just like Pierre, was thinking to ask some help with the guy outside. But doing it so would make her a wimp.

‘I don't want to give up my dignity just for him to clean my room… ahh! Nevermind that guy.’

She was a little thirsty, but seeing the coffee diluted in water from the melted ice made it unable to drink.

However, Maricar thought that there was already drinking water inside. In reality, they haven't been able to buy yet.

As she opened the door, a young man leaning on the doorframe greeted her.

Both of them paused for a second, until Maricar cleared her throat and broke the silence.

Pierre had a glimpse inside her room. He confirmed that the girl haven't clean the room yet.

‘She's really spoiled enough based on that.’

“Hey,” Pierre called her as she passed by.

The young lady stopped and gave him a glance without replying.

“Do you need help inside?” he tried to sound friendly despite of their hostile relationship. Maybe it's a way for them to be able to live in harmony.

But the girl doesn't seem to like the idea. She turned around to his direction and made a pissed face.

“Are you saying I can't clean my own room?”

Pierre enlarged his eyes, reacting in disbelief with her attitude.

‘She's really treating me like an enemy?!’

He defended his words, “I-I'm just asking if you wanted help. I'm  not mocking you.”

“You seemed to be.” she squinted her eyes.

He blew air, fed up of her attitude. It was their first meeting, she already displayed an attitude where no one can handle.

“Look, if you are going to act like a brat in front of me for the rest of our lives living here together, I cannot guarantee you to ignore whatever you're up to. So answer me, you want help or not?”

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