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  Chapter 26 Meeting Bailouyue

  Nighttime has always been the peak time for zombie activity.

  Ji Heng and his party had just walked out of the borders of Rongcheng and entered the suburbs of Zheshi.

  In the past two or three days, they kept on the road, and since Ji Heng and Shi Qinghe had special powers, the road was much easier than when they returned to Rongcheng.

  They originally planned to find a place to stay in the suburbs of Zhe City before dark, but they never expected that the further they walked, the more zombies they would find.

  Shi Qinghe drove the car and saw zombies swarming over one by one.

  "Mom and Dad, please pay more attention to protect yourselves for a while. Ah Heng, I feel that we are in danger today." As he spoke, Shi Qinghe increased the speed of the car and quickly knocked away everyone who blocked them. Zombies on the road.

  The front of the car had already been smashed into pieces. The speed was too fast, and some zombies were knocked up and finally fell heavily in front of the car window. The glass instantly cracked and spread to all sides.

  Shi Qinghe immediately became sullen and quickly used water to wash away the zombies on the window glass in front of him. However, their car was missing an important blocking part, so the danger was only much greater.

  He could only use his powers to get rid of the zombies that were about to fall into the car in front of them. But using his powers while driving distracted Shi Qinghe a lot of energy. In addition, the front of the car was covered with powers, and they I couldn't see very far, and the car was driving crookedly.

  "Stop the car and solve it." Ji Heng touched his sharpened axe. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately unbuckled his seat belt and stood up.

  The sharp ax chopped off the heads of the zombies one by one.

  Shi Qinghe also unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up. Standing next to Ji Heng, he could attack from a distance and condense water powers into water columns, which were as big as ropes and bound the limbs of zombies.

  Shi's father and mother, who were sitting in the back seat, were not idle either. They opened one side of the car door and hit the tied zombie with a golf club. The golf club had been modified by them, and the long shaft There were cuts all over the body and head, and with force, those raised barbs could scrape off a layer of skin.

  Just as they were busy getting rid of the group of zombies and rushing to find a place to stay, a small car slammed into them. The car they were standing on shook violently, and everyone shook. Shi's mother He was hit from behind and couldn't stand still, so he fell forward.

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