3 - Seed of affection

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Freen's POV

I just watched my sister and Becky walk away from me. I looked at them slowly fading away from my sight, especially Becky.

What was that? I ponder her words. I am not entirely sure that Becky's answer was just about being physically hurt when I bumped into her.

Unsure of my intention or how I feel, I just answered here in the same way.

"What is wrong sister? You seem to be bothered and unfocused?" Saint asked with worry in his eyes

"That is true. Freen this is already our 3rd attempt with the same song, and you keep on messing it up" Nam exclaimed.

A deep sigh came out from me. And I don't know how to answer them.

"I guess let's just take a break for now and resume after an hour" Noey suggested.

Everyone agreed and I just asked them some alone time. I need to clear out my mind. I am really bothered by my encounter with Becky. It pains me to think that I hurt her.

I leaned over the couch and stared and the ceiling, and a memory just came to me.


A glamorous ball is a part of tradition of our school to welcome all freshmen and transferees in the first month of the school year.

This year, Irin is now part of those freshmen, together with her group of friends.

I saw them entering the auditorium. Saint personally escorted our sister to the ball. Oh, how gentleman my brother is to our beautiful sister. I trained him well.

Irin is our family's princess, and she needs to be treated as one; everyone should see that just in case anyone tries to make a move on her.

All her friends are already there except for Becky. I haven't seen Becky in the entire school break as her family had a vacation in England. I am used to see my sister always with her. Irin being the extroverted friend always dragging Becky around. And without Becky in the picture, she kept on bothering me the entire break. I wonder if Becky has returned and will attend this ball, and of course for me to be finally free from my sister's all out whims.

I was brought back from my thoughts when I saw a bouquet of Peonies flower in front of me.I tilted my head to see who was offering it to me.

I saw Heidi with a wide smile. "This is for you my handsome beautiful lady" she said.

"Heidi, I might be handsome and beautiful, but I am no one's lady". I said considerately responded with a smile. Not to disrespect her but enough to be clear that I am not hers to claim.

"The flowers are gorgeous, thank you." I continued.

Heidi is the daughter of my mother's best friend. She usually accompanies her mother every visit in the mansion. She is the first girl to bluntly flirt with me. Yes, I am into girls but not those who practically serves themselves to me. And she openly does it. She even suggested an arranged marriage in the middle of a dinner. I instantly shouted my disapproval that time. I did not want my parents to have any idea to such things, to an arranged marriage, especially with her.

"Not today, but maybe someday Freen. But for now, can you dance with me" Heidi asked extending her hand to me.

I listened to the song being played and it was semi party song that will not need any intense proximity. With that I agreed.

Most of the eyes are looking at us and it irritates me. I wanted the song to end now so I can walk towards my friends instead.

And the song finally ended. I was about to exit the dance floor when the music changed to a romantic song. Suddenly Heidi held my hand and whispered, "stay Freen". I looked into her eyes.

I wanted to respond in a not so polite manner, but I stopped myself. "I have to go to the restroom" I said and rushed away.

I exited the restroom headed towards our table when I saw a familiar stature but in a different aura.

The event host requested everyone's attention and the stature turned around facing me this time. I felt my feet in a halt. In my gaze is an unbelievable beauty. Those brown eyes depict bliss as if inviting me to paradise. Her smile a rainbow of ecstasy and her small but gorgeous physique which seems to beg to be held by me. All those details that I was oblivious before, now very well emphasized to me. All my senses heightened and there is an unknown, new, and pleasing feeling in my stomach.

Then she looked at me.

Ohw! My heart. My heart. Did it stop or did it just started to beat? I can't seem to know.

Was I enchanted? I seemed to be under a spell that when she smiled at me, I barely knew what to do.

"She is something, right?" A small voice whispered. It was Nam. She nudged me into reality.

I turned to my best friend and awkwardly smiled.

She is indeed something. An unreal beauty that caught my attention the entire night.

Rebecca Patricia Armstrong was my enchantress that night.

End of flashback.

Since that night I was extra caring and affectionate to her. I don't know why though. I just found her beautiful as a lady. Maybe the vacation in England has let her bloom. From my little cute bear to a gorgeous princess. And I tasked myself the duty to protect her, just like my sister. Or is it really just like a sister?

Author notes:

Am I doing it right? Are you enjoying the story?  Write some  comments for suggestion  or anything at all.. :)

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