12 - Flavor of Forever

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Becky's POV

"My love, please, let's just talk," Freen begged as I hastily entered the staff room, frantically stuffing my belongings into bags. She entered, her breaths shallow and uneven.

"Please, just hear me out. It's not what you think," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

I scoffed, my voice quivering with hurt and anger, "Am I supposed to believe that I just imagined someone hugging my girlfriend like that?"

"She did hug me, I won't deny that, but I was going to push her away when you walked in on us. If you think I'm cheating on you, I'm not. I can't do that," she explained, her voice filled with sincerity and desperation.

"Yeah right" I replied, my words dripping with sarcasm. You can't do it? Hmmp." another sarcasm...

"Actually... you can! You know why? Because after all, I'm just your secret lover!"

You can freely flirt and engage in relationships with others because no one even knows about us." I exclaimed, my voice trembling and breaking as I couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

"What are you saying? Becky, tell me. Is this about seeing someone hugging me or the fact that we're keeping our love a secret, or a different thing entirely?" She implored, the pain, hurt, and simmering anger all evident in her voice. Nevertheless, she drew closer, wrapping her arms around me in an attempt to soothe me.

I softly punched her upper chest and say, "It's all of those Freen. All those things are hurting me"

Tears welled up in my eyes, and my voice quivered with raw emotion as I continued, my words carrying the weight of my heart, "Deep within, I know you're not cheating. I have complete faith in you Freen; I trust you; I really do."

Yet, the pain engraved across my face revealed the struggle within, as I fought to express the hurt that had been gnawing at my soul.

"It's just... it's agonizing to see someone else wrap their arms around you so freely. It should be me... It should be me, Freen," I continued, my voice cracking "I should be the one to hold your hand, to embrace you, and to kiss you freely. I thought you are mine... but—

"I am yours, Rebecca" Freen softly interrupts.

"But I don't feel like it Freen. This secrecy... it's like a ruthless storm. It's been long enough. It's tearing me apart and I can't bear it any longer"

She held me even closer, gently rubbing my back to offer solace, and then whispered, "I'm so sorry, my love, I truly am."

With a tender and loving gesture, Freen gradually pulled away from our embrace. Her hands, warm and gentle, delicately lifted my tear-stained face.

The soft, lingering kisses she placed on my cheeks carried an unspoken promise of comfort and reassurance. Each kiss seemed like an attempt to erase not only the physical tears but also the emotional turmoil that had left its mark on me, offering a silent yet profound expression of her affection and her desire to heal the wounds in my heart.


Freen's POV

I kissed her cheeks with gentle devotion, my lips a silent apology, attempting to erase every trace of hurt I had caused her. My fingers gently caressed her arms, seeking to soothe the storm of emotions that had overwhelmed us. In this silent exchange of affection, we tried to heal the wounds inflicted by our shared struggle.

Her breathing gradually steadied, and the sobs that had once shaken her gave way to a somber silence. In an attempt to bring closure to this emotional moment, I offered her the warmest, most reassuring smile I could muster.

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