20 - In love! 😍

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

20 – In love

Becky's POV

It's been more than a month since I discovered Freen's scars that almost made another concern in our relationship since she snapped at me, without me knowing why. I've been wanting to talk to her, but life got crazy busy after we celebrated her birthday. We're both CEOs of our own companies, so you can imagine how packed our schedules are.

In a weird way, putting Freen on a sex ban turned out to be a good thing. It's like a timeout that made us focus more on our feelings and stuff, especially with our crazy schedules. Even though we're super busy, Freen kept doing these sweet things that kept us feeling close. It was kinda nice, but sticking to the ban was tough. I had to resist some tempting moments. But, you know, it's been a bit of a challenge that turned into unexpected closeness between us.

So, despite the hustle and bustle of our CEO lives, Freen's thoughtful gestures managed to create this little bubble of connection between us. It's like she found a way to keep us close, even with our hectic schedules. And here I was, trying hard not to give in to the tempting moments that popped up every now and then.

Life kept throwing curveballs at us, and I kept telling myself that talking to Freen about our relationship was on the to-do list. But, you know how it is — time just slips away, and conversations get buried under work and responsibilities.

The sex ban became this curious dance of discipline and intimacy. On one hand, it was a reminder to stay focused on the emotional side of things, and on the other, it created this intriguing tension that made our moments together feel even more precious.

As the ban continued, I couldn't help but wonder when the right time would be to dive into that conversation with Freen. The scars and the unspoken tension were like silent guests in the room, patiently waiting for their turn to be acknowledged. In the midst of our busy lives, I just hoped that when the time came to address it all, we'd find a way to navigate through it together.

I made a plan to carve out three free days for both of us, checking in with our secretaries to clear our schedules. I also arranged for our daughter to stay with my parents during that time. This upcoming weekend is the moment I've chosen to finally have that talk with Freen, and of course, it's time to lift the sex ban.

With everything set in motion, I'm hopeful that these dedicated days will allow us the time and space to delve into the conversation we've been putting off for too long. I want to create an environment where we can open up, understand each other, and move forward. It's not just about lifting the ban; it's about lifting any unspoken weight between us and reconnecting on a deeper level.

The much-anticipated day had finally arrived, and a palpable blend of excitement and nerves lingered in the air. Freen, amidst the hustle of getting ready for work, became the focal point of my attention.

she delicately fastened her dress, I cleared my throat, "Hey, Baby, mind if I steal a minute of your time?"

She sent a glance my way, gracefully making her way over. With a gentle grip on my waist, she inquired, "Sure, what's on your mind, babe?"

Taking a deep breath, I broached the subject, "My parents are hoping to have Zea over for a few days. They're really missing her. Would you be alright with that?"

Freen paused, a thoughtful expression crossing her face, "This weekend? I was actually contemplating a beach getaway. Checked with my secretary yesterday, and I've got a clear schedule until Monday."

She smiled, intertwining her fingers with mine, and playfully kissed my hand, "But hey, maybe it's not a bad idea to have some quality 'us' time instead. What do you think?" Her mischievous smile added a twinkle to the moment.

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