40 - I'm home

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

40 – I'm home

The weekend passed quickly, and I felt really sick and weak. Freen wanted me to see a doctor, but I didn't want to. I just wanted to spend time with them, especially our daughter.

We stayed home all weekend. I felt bad, but Freen took care of me, and our daughter kept me smiling with her playful ways. I wish the weekend could have lasted longer.

As Monday dawns, I find myself back at work, leading our team to decide on the theme for our upcoming jewelry collection launch. Despite still feeling a bit under the weather, I dive into the task, determined to make progress.

Gathering the team in the conference room, I kick off the meeting. "Alright, everyone, let's dive into finalizing the theme for our next collection. Any new ideas?"

Sophia, our lead designer, raises her hand. "How about a summer-themed collection? It's vibrant, energetic, and perfect for the upcoming season."

I nod, considering her suggestion. "That's a great idea. Summer brings to mind sun, fun, and adventure. It could really resonate with our customers."

Mike, our marketing manager, chimes in. "I love it. We could incorporate elements like beach-inspired motifs, tropical colors, and playful designs."

"Absolutely," agrees Rachel, our product development specialist. "We could feature pieces like shell earrings, palm tree pendants, and vibrant gemstone bracelets."

I smile, excited by the possibilities. "I think a summer theme offers a lot of creative opportunities. Let's explore some specific ideas within that theme. Any particular concepts come to mind?"

As the discussion unfolds, we brainstorm various ideas, from beach-inspired collections to pieces that capture the essence of summer festivals. It's a collaborative process, with each team member offering their insights and suggestions.

By the end of the meeting, we've narrowed down our options and outlined a plan to further develop the chosen theme. Despite the challenges ahead, I feel confident that we're on the right track to creating a vibrant and captivating collection that will resonate with our customers and bring a taste of summer to their lives.

As I returned to my office, Sheila, my secretary, greeted me with a bouquet of sunflowers. "For you, Ms. Becky. It says from Billy."

I felt a pang of annoyance at the mention of Billy's name. Seriously? Freen and I have already reconciled, and now this?

"Give it to someone else or just dispose of it," I instructed firmly, not wanting any reminders of the past.

Taken aback by my response, Sheila looked puzzled. "Um, okay. Just in case you change your mind, I'll leave the note on your table and keep the flowers with me," she said hesitantly.

I didn't want to dwell on it or waste my energy, so I remained silent. Before Sheila could leave, she mentioned, "By the way, the CEO and owner of GoodTech Solutions wants to schedule an appointment with you. Are you available this afternoon or tomorrow?"

Billy, and now Patricia? Can't they just leave us alone? I slumped onto the couch with a sigh. "Nothing, Sheila. I don't want to talk or deal with her," I replied, feeling weary.

"What? Why? You seem a bit off today, Becky!" she remarked, concerned.

"I'm just not feeling well. But my instructions still stand, Sheila. Just do as I say, please," I requested, hoping to end the conversation and avoid any further complications.

Sheila nodded, sensing my discomfort. "Of course, Becky. I'll handle it," she assured me before closing the door behind her.

Alone in my office, I couldn't shake off the feeling of frustration and unease. It seemed like reminders of the past kept creeping up when I least expected them, stirring up emotions I thought I had put to rest.

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