19 - Do you feel that?

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19 – Do you feel that?

Freen's POV

Sitting on my car, the agony in my heart was like an unbearable weight, crushing me under the burden of what had transpired between us. The room felt suffocating, and I was consumed by the tormenting questions that swirled through my mind, drowning me in a sea of despair.

"So, are we ending this? Am I no longer your girlfriend?" Those are the words of Becky that keeps on resounding in me.

Despite the mistakes I had made and the unrestrained events that had unfolded, I never once believed that we would reach the point of breaking up. The thought of us parting ways was a painful revelation that I had not been and will never be prepared for.

I clung to hope, even though I had no idea where to begin to fix things between us. Now, I feared that it might be too late. I was too coward to admit my mistake, ask for forgiveness and seek redemption.

If I had been at a loss for words or actions before, now I was beyond the ability to describe the depth of my emotions. It was as if a profound sense of emptiness had settled within me, leaving me without direction or purpose.

My phone buzzed, and I saw a message from my sister. My heart raced as I opened it, wondering what Irin had to say. The message read:

"Sis, I hope you're doing okay. I know you've been going through a lot, and I'm here for you. Just remember, you don't have to face everything alone. Love you."

Tears welled up in Freen's eyes as she realized the depth of her sister's support. It was a comforting reminder that she had someone who cared about her, even in the midst of her chaos.

As I reflected on Irin's message, I suddenly realized that her birthday is just two days away. The thought of celebrating my sister's special day during such a challenging time filled me with a mix of emotions.

I replied with a heartfelt message, "Thank you, and I love you too, sister. What would you like for your birthday?" I want to make sure my sister's day would be special and filled with joy, even as I grappled with my own struggles.

I received a response from Irin, "I just want a simple Birthday Celebration on our resort, just with our group of friends"

As I read and absorbed my sister's message, the reality hit me like a ton of bricks. A celebration with our group would almost certainly entail coming face to face with Becky, my now ex-girlfriend.

The thought of encountering Becky in such a setting sent a shiver of hesitation down my spine, and I found myself wrestling with a difficult question: "Can I endure that?"

Can I casually mingle with her in our group, knowing I no longer have the right to call her mine? That I no longer had the right to hug her nor kiss her? The question loomed over me, and the uncertainty of what lay ahead weighed heavily on my heart.

I lay down the answer to the heavens and just replied Irin, "that's great, we'll make it special, princess".


Nam's POV

Irin's excited voice filled the room as she exclaimed, "she said yes! Freen agreed with my request, guys!" Her enthusiasm spread throughout the group, and a collective sense of joy and relief washed over us.

"Now you have to convince Becky" Nop said.

"I'll do it. I'll make a ruse and bring Becky in the resort without her knowing." Friend said.

I thought the suggestion through and decided to join their conversation.

"I don't think that's a good idea. No offense meant, but if the first thing Freen sees is you, Friend, and Becky together... that'll make Freen jealous and make things worse." I expressed my concern, realizing the potential complications of such a situation.

The beginning of foreverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora