11 - Secret

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Becky's POV

We are about to drive off from the restaurant, she secured my seatbelt in place, then Freen just took a pause and said,

"Having you as my girlfriend feels like a beautiful dream come true. It's almost surreal, and it fills my heart with boundless joy, my love."

"You're so cute babe, this is not a dream. This is our reality, and I'm wholeheartedly yours". I grabbed by her collar and gave her a quick kiss.

Safely back in the driver's seat, she held my hands and suddenly asked, "By the way, did you ever mention things about us to Irin?"

"I haven't, I couldn't bring myself to tell Irin that her sister broke my heart to pieces" I replied with both being sincere and being a tease.

Her apologetic eyes are now looking at me, made me somehow rethink my words.

"I'm sorry babe" Freen softly said as she kissed the back of my hand

"Oh baby, I didn't mean like that I was just teasing you." I smiled at her. "But you know what, now that we are a couple, I will definitely tell her everything" I stated.

"Well actually about that"... she took a pause as if choosing her words before saying it.

"Can I be the one to tell her? And until... until then can we keep this between us before go public. A secret for now" She sincerely asked.

What could she possibly mean by this? While I can appreciate her desire to inform her sister herself, the idea of keeping our relationship a secret raises questions in me. Is she perhaps,.. ashamed of me?

We had only just become official couple moments ago, and now this? As I attempted to gently withdraw my hand from her grip, she surprisingly tightened her grip instead. I averted my gaze and remained silent.

"Hey baby, we are together now. Tell me what you feel, let's talk about this. We've hidden our thoughts and feelings before, and it only drove us apart. I refuse to let that happen now. So, my love, share your heart with me. Tell me what is wrong, let's fix it together" she thoughtfully mutters.

Her words touched my heart, and in that moment, and she is right. So, I decided to open up and share what's been weighing on me with her idea.

"It's sweet to know that you wanna personally tell Irin about us, but the idea of keeping our relationship a secret leaves me wondering.... Freen, do you feel ashamed of us? "Do you... not want people to know that you're with me?" I carefully stated.

"Oh, it's not that at all. I just want to make sure my sister doesn't hear about it from someone else. The thing is, I had promised her that I wouldn't pursue a romantic connection with you; she doesn't want you getting hurt. Now that we're together, I want to ensure she doesn't feel betrayed or hurt. And I'm never ashamed of us; in fact, I want to proudly proclaim our love to the world." with a heartfelt look, she locked her eyes onto mine and expressed her thoughts, each word carefully chosen.

As I attentively absorbed her words, I found myself gaining a deeper understanding of her feelings and reasons.

"I get it baby, I'm sorry if I doubted you. It's ..It's just that you.. y..

"I have a history.., history of playing around with girls. Right?" she interrupted me with a smirk.

"Yes, yes you have. I agreed with a strong nod.

"hmmmm.. I want you to listen. I need you to really hear me, Rebecca." she states with a serious tone,

""I don't believe in taking life too seriously; I prefer to savor and enjoy every moment "I never truly understood or cared about love until... until you. You've brought love into my life and made it something real.

Your actions, your presence..., and the way you make me feel have turned this abstract concept of love into a tangible, cherished aspect of my life.

So, no matter what history I have with girls before, none of them was you. None of them made me feel so in love and crave for love. Crave for your love to be exact."

Do you understand that baby? She asked, ending her declaration of love.

My heart is so overflowing with emotions that I can barely utter a word; all I did is nod in response.

"Words, baby, I need words. Tell me. Do you understand? She insistently questioned.

"Yes, my love. I understand." I sternly said.

"Then prove it. Kiss me." She did not wait for my answer, and she leaned in for a passionate kiss, and I willingly met with an equally fervent response.


Freen's POV

"That was a lot of fun". I exclaimed as I hopped down the stage and grab a drink. The band just finished the 2nd set of songs for this music festival concert charity of our school, joined by 2 more neighboring universities.

Though we just agreed for one set of songs, since my girl, yes, my girl, was very persuasive we did a two tiring set instead.

It's been 3 weeks of love between me and Becky. I haven't talked to Irin yet since she just arrived a week ago from Medical Camp, and as soon as she did, she was immediately caught up with the preparations for this charity event.

I'm growing increasingly impatient; I yearn to proudly show our relationship to the world, to freely embrace and kiss her without hesitation. Yet, all I can do is wait and hope that Becky doesn't get tired of our current circumstances.

I exited the dressing room and looked for my little bear, but what welcomed me are screams.

"Freeeen. Freeen! You are so handsome!!! Can I be your girlfriend!!" most of them yells. Some even handed me some small gifts.

I just smiled and waved at them, shook their hands at most. Not to reject or disrespect them.

I continued heading out as I dial and call Becky's number. "Hello, where are you baby?... Okay, stay, I'll go there." I made my way towards the audiovisual room, where she said she is.

Suddenly, someone rushed toward me and wrapped me in an unexpected hug, nestling their head in the crook of my neck.

Awkwardly, I disentangled myself from the embrace, careful not to hurt whoever this person squeezing me now. I glanced down to identify my mystery hugger, only to be surprised to see that it was Heidi.

"What are you doing Heidi?" I annoyingly said. Heidi transferred to the neighboring school 2 years ago, and since there university is part of the event, she is obviously here annoying me.

When I was about to furtherly push her away, I heard a familiar voice talking coming out from the room.

"I think the lefte speaker on the stage is"... then her eyes locked into mine. Shocked by what she see, my girl froze.. then rushed away from me.

"Fuck! It's not what you think Becky!. Wait for me!" I yelled, and without a second thought, I forcefully disentangled Heidi's arm, not caring if she'll be hurt. I ran after Becky, intent on catching up and clarifying the situation.

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