42 - Just a taste

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Freen's POV

"I chose you, Freen!" Becky's words echoed in my mind.

Waking from yet another baffling night, I struggled to discern whether it was a nightmare or merely a dream.

Ever since my encounter with Becky, the entire confrontation had been playing on a loop within my unconscious thoughts.

I can still vividly remember that day when Becky shared sweet smiles with Friend. Unfortunately, my emotions got the best of me, and I reacted poorly, letting jealousy and pain turn me into a total jerk.

The agony was excruciating when I realized that, instead of simply having her heart, she had to make a choice between me and Billy, and I had been kept in the dark. I couldn't help but think that if I had made a single misstep, I might not have been the one she chose. That she might have chosen Billy over me. That I might have lost her.

Those were the agonizing truths that tormented me, and the searing pain I bore was insufferable.

It cast a shadow over what should have been my truth, just as she did—Becky chose me!

I was so stupid, that my fear of losing her, was actually made into reality by me.

And what was more nerve racking amazing of Becky was that even if I left her, coz I cradled my pain, she overcame her own pain and tried to win me back.

These were the profound realizations that Becky had awakened within me. Her actions and dedication to our relationship sparked these significant realizations in me, yet I'm uncertain about how to put them into action.

With these thoughts still swirling in my mind, I headed to the veranda to catch a breath.

I pulled out my phone and gazed at the photo I had snapped earlier, capturing Becky seated in the cafe, gazing out over the sea as the sunset began.

I recall the moment when I had asked to join her and savor the sunset, all the while restraining myself from holding her close and kissing her. Even when the darkness had fallen and the sun had finally set, I was unwilling to part from her.

I mustered every ounce of courage and asked her if she still wanted to win me back, but her uncertainty cut deep. Perhaps I was too late.

Desperation overcame me, and I found myself on pleading for the chance to extend our precious moment just a little while longer.

"My love," I choked out through quivering lips, "I'm sorry my love for being so stupid and coward." I whispered into the air, my words carried away by the wind, hoping they would somehow reach Becky.

As I stood there, my heart heavy with regret and longing, the world seemed to hold its breath. The cool breeze on the veranda offered no solace.

"Maybe, say that to her in person, not to her picture," Saint whispered softly, and I was taken by surprise when I realized he had quietly approached me from behind.

"I think I may be too late, Saint," I confessed with a heavy heart.

"Too late? Is Becky already married with a circus clown?" Saint joked, a playful irony in his voice.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Saint's humorous take on the situation. "Well, not quite that extreme, but it does feel like a three-ring circus in my heart right now," I replied, trying to find some levity in the midst of my emotional turmoil.

Saint laughed along with me, and for a moment, the tension seemed to dissipate. It was a brief respite from the heaviness of the situation, and we shared a lighthearted moment before I once again be engulfed with my emotions.

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