40 - Goodbye Freen

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As Freen sat in the hallway, leaning against the wall, lost in her thoughts and replaying the entire tumultuous scene that had just unfolded, Patricia came over and quietly sat down beside her.

Without uttering a single word, Patricia reached out and softly guided Freen's head to rest on her shoulder. Her silent comfort spoke volumes, offering solace and understanding during this difficult time. Freen found refuge in her presence, grateful for her unwavering support.

In that shared silence, Freen began to feel a sense of calm gradually wash over her, as Patricia's presence provided a glimmer of solace amid the emotional storm that had just swept through her life. There was no need for words; her shoulder was enough to remind Freen that she wasn't alone.

Breaking the silence, Freen turned to Patricia and whispered, "Thank you." Her voice carried a mix of gratitude and vulnerability, as Patricia's support meant the world to her in that moment of need.

Patricia offered a soft smile and replied, "You're welcome, babe." Her words held a reassuring tenderness.

"Wanna get out of here?" Patricia suggested, her voice carrying a hint of an invitation to escape the heavy atmosphere that surrounded us.

Freen nodded in agreement, grateful for the opportunity to step away from the turmoil that had taken place. Patricia and Freen rose from their seats, ready to leave the emotional intensity behind.

As they walked away, they heard Noey called out, "Where are you going, Freen?"

Freen paused for a moment and turned back to face Noey. With a heavy sigh, she replied, "I need some time to clear my head, Noey. Things got a bit too intense in there, and I just need a break."

Noey nodded, understanding the need for some space. "Take all the time you need, Freen. We'll be here when you need us."

With Noey's understanding and support, Freen continued walking with Patricia, hoping to find a moment of peace and clarity in the midst of the emotional storm.

Meanwhile, Becky remained in Irin's passenger seat, her tears continuing to fall softly. Irin drove, her hand reaching out to gently pat Becky's back in a comforting gesture, silently understanding the pain her friend was going through. The journey ahead for them was just as fraught with emotions and uncertainty, but they, too, would face it together.

As the car moved through the streets, the ambient sounds of traffic and the engine were a stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere inside the vehicle. Becky's sobs continued, her emotions uncontainable, while Irin remained a steady and supportive presence.

Irin spoke softly, "We'll get through this, Becky. Freen will realize her mistakes, and we'll find a way to mend things. You'll see."

I don't know if I still want that Irin" Becky uttered softly.

Becky's words hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty. Irin glanced at her with empathy and said, "I understand, Becky. It's okay to be unsure right now. We'll take it one step at a time, and you can make the decision that's right for you when the time comes."

Becky appreciated Irin's understanding, and with a sigh, she leaned her head against the car window, lost in her thoughts as they continued their journey through the city.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you two dating. My sister can be so thoughtless, hurting you in the end." Irin's frustration and disappointment were evident in her voice as she commented.

Becky, though still in emotional turmoil, managed a weak smile. "Irin, you were right about being cautious. But sometimes, we take risks for the people we love, hoping it'll be worth it in the end."

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