32 - Last Night

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

32 – Last Night

The next morning, Becky stirred from her slumber to find the other side of the bed cold and empty. She blinked sleep from her eyes, her gaze drawn to a folded note lying on the bedside table. With a mixture of anticipation and apprehension, she reached for it, unfolding the paper carefully.

As she read Freen's words, a sense of disappointment washed over her. Freen had left a message explaining her early departure for an appointment at the office. Though Becky understood the demands of Freen's work, the absence of her wife's comforting presence left a palpable ache in her heart.

With a heavy sigh, Becky set the note aside, her thoughts drifting to the unresolved conversation they had yet to have about trying for another round of IVF. The weight of their unspoken words lingered heavily in the air, casting a shadow over the morning.

But as Becky reflected on their recent lack of intimacy, another wave of sadness washed over her. It had been two weeks since they had made love, a tangible reminder of the strain their struggles had placed on their relationship. The distance between them felt more profound than ever, leaving Becky longing for the closeness they once shared.

Despite the heaviness of her heart, Becky knew she couldn't dwell on their challenges forever. With a determined resolve, she pushed aside her disappointment and focused on the day ahead. She missed Freen deeply.

As she prepared for the day, Becky couldn't shake the feeling of longing that tugged at her heartstrings. She missed Freen's warmth, her laughter, and the intimacy they had shared. But as she ventured downstairs to face the day, she held onto the hope that they would find a way to reconnect and rediscover the bond that had brought them together in the first place.

After dropping Zea off at school, Becky took a trip to the grocery store, carefully selecting ingredients for a special dinner she planned to prepare for herself and Freen. With a menu in mind, she turned their kitchen into a culinary haven, each dish prepared with love and anticipation.

In the afternoon, Becky arranged for Zea to spend the night at her parents' house and they will send her to school by the next day. She knew the chance for a quiet evening alone with Freen was worth it.

As dusk fell, Becky set the table for their intimate dinner, the atmosphere infused with warmth and romance. With everything in place, she eagerly awaited Freen's return, hopeful for a night of reconnection and shared intimacy.

As the evening wore on, Becky waited anxiously for Freen's return, her anticipation slowly giving way to concern as the hours passed without a sign of her wife. By nine in the evening, with Freen still absent, Becky's worry escalated, prompting her to reach out with a series of unanswered phone calls.

As Becky's worry escalated, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread settling over her like a heavy blanket. Each unanswered call intensified her unease, the silence on the other end of the line amplifying her growing concern.

"Baby, where are you?" Becky's voice wavered as she spoke into the phone, her heart pounding with each passing second. With trembling hands, she dialed Freen's number once more, desperate for any sign of her wife's whereabouts, praying for a response that would quell the rising tide of anxiety within her.

As the persistent beeping of the unanswered call reverberated in Becky's ear, her heart sank with each passing moment. She gingerly placed the phone down on the table, her mind swirling with worry and anxiety. Had she overlooked signs that something was amiss? Guilt gnawed at her, amplifying her fear as she grappled with the uncertainty.

Just as she was poised to redial Freen's number, her phone abruptly rang, jolting her from her thoughts. With trembling hands, Becky swiftly answered the call, her voice tinged with urgency.

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