29 - Our own love story

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

29 – Our own love story

"Win her back," Freen's words echo in my mind as I navigate the road.

"Easier said than done, Freen," I mutter to myself, feeling the weight of those words.

I find myself driving towards Noey's house, a knot of nerves tightening in my stomach. I know I need to seek forgiveness and explain what happened this morning when I couldn't bring myself to say yes to her proposal. I hope my words will make sense to her, although I know I've hurt her deeply. It was never my intention; I was simply overwhelmed by fear and my own foolishness.

As I continue to drive, my phone remains stubbornly silent, each attempted call to Noey redirected to voicemail.

"Please answer the call, Noey. Darling, let's talk, please," I plead into the phone, my voice tinged with desperation, hoping she'll listen to the voicemail and reach out.

The minutes stretch on like eternity as I navigate the familiar streets leading to Noey's condo. Each passing moment amplifies the ache in my chest, the weight of my regret bearing down on me with relentless force.

I replay our last encounter in my mind, the pain in Noey's eyes etched into my memory like a scar. I can't shake the image of her hurt expression, the silent accusation that hangs heavy in the air between us.

With each passing mile, my resolve strengthens. I know I need to make things right, to offer Noey the explanation and apology she deserves. But the uncertainty gnaws at me, the fear of rejection looming large in my mind.

As I finally arrive at Noey's house, my hands tremble as I reach for the door handle. This is it—the moment of truth. With a deep breath, I steel myself and step out of the car, determined to face whatever awaits me on the other side of Noey's door.

I press the doorbell repeatedly, my heart pounding in my chest with each futile attempt to elicit a response. The silence that follows weighs heavily on me, amplifying the tension in the air.

Desperation begins to gnaw at my insides as I wonder why there's no answer. Is Noey intentionally avoiding me, or is she simply not home? My mind races with unsettling possibilities, each one adding to my growing anxiety.

Taking a deep breath to calm my racing thoughts, I contemplate my next move. Should I leave a note, expressing my feelings and apologizing for my actions? Should I wait a little longer, hoping that she'll return soon? Or should I continue calling her, hoping she'll pick up?

Ultimately, I decide to wait, sinking down onto the doorstep as I continue to call her. With each unanswered ring, my apprehension grows, but I cling to the hope that she'll eventually respond, giving me the chance to make things right.

As I sit on the doorstep, my mind whirls with uncertainty and worry. The minutes tick by agonizingly slow, each passing second feeling like an eternity. With each unanswered call, my hope wanes and my anxiety intensifies.

I glance anxiously at my phone, willing it to ring with a response from Noey. But the screen remains stubbornly blank, devoid of any incoming calls or messages. The weight of my actions and the consequences they've wrought press heavily upon me, filling me with a deep sense of regret.

Cars pass by, pedestrians hurry along the sidewalk, and the distant hum of city life provides a stark contrast to the stillness that surrounds me.

But amidst the chaos of the outside world, I feel trapped in a bubble of my own making, consumed by thoughts of Noey and the rift between us. With each passing moment, my resolve to make things right only strengthens, but the uncertainty of whether I'll get that chance gnaws at my insides.

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