38 - Another sunrise

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

38 – Another sunrise

Freen's POV

"Get off now!!!" the words echoed in our bedroom.

My wife's piercing scream ripped through the silence of the night, stabbing into my consciousness like shards of glass. 

Panic seized me, and I shot up, fearing the worst. "What happened? Are you hurt?" I blurted out, my voice trembling with dread.

She struggled to compose herself, but the terror still lingered in her eyes. "It was just a nightmare," she choked out, her voice trembling with residual fear. "I'm fine, just shaken."

Sitting beside her, I could feel the tension radiating from her trembling body. "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked softly, reaching out to touch her hand.

Her eyes welled up with tears as she recounted the horror that had gripped her mind. "I dreamt of catching you with Patricia... in a way that shattered me," she confessed, her voice breaking with anguish, "I caught you having sex with Patricia"

My heart sank as I listened, feeling a surge of sadness for the pain she must have experienced in the dream. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, even if it was just a dream," I said sincerely, my voice filled with empathy. "Please know I would never cheat on you. I will never do anything to intentionally hurt you, my love."

As I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close in a comforting embrace, her tears soaked my chest, and I could feel her shoulders shaking with sobs.

Becky's emotions erupted like a volcano, her sobs wracked with a pain so deep it felt palpable in the room.

"I can't shake off this agony, Freen," she cried, her voice quivering with raw emotion. "When we tried to have another child, and it didn't work... it felt like a piece of me was being ripped away. I insisted on pushing forward, but I failed. Inside, I was crumbling."

Her words pierced through me like shards of glass, each syllable laden with the weight of her sorrow. I held her tightly, hoping to absorb some of her anguish, to show her she wasn't alone in this unbearable suffering.

"And then there was the deafening silence between us. We bore our grief in solitude," Becky continued, her voice strained with unspoken pain. "I felt like I was losing you, like we were drifting apart, and I didn't know how to bridge the gap. I needed you, but I didn't know how to ask."

Becky's breakdown was a tsunami of emotions that had been dammed up for far too long.

"I convinced myself that you had moved on when you threw yourself back into work. I thought I could do the same, be your devoted wife and Zea's loving mother as if nothing had shattered us. But I couldn't, not without you. You buried yourself in your job, and I couldn't reach you no matter how hard I tried."

"Then..." she sobbed, her pain pouring out uncontrollably. "Then, just when I mustered the strength to rebuild and reconnect, you poured your heart out to Patricia. And there I was, so naive to your lingering wounds. But... Fuck it! Patricia knew!" she exclaimed at me. "Do you have any idea what that did to me, Freen?" She hit my shoulders in her anguish.

"It made me feel utterly worthless as a wife, as your wife," Becky's voice trembled with a mix of despair and anger. "You chose to open up to the very person I feared losing you to before. Why would you turn to her? Am I not enough, Freen?" she repeated, her voice filled with torment and heartbreak.

Becky's words cut through me like a knife, each syllable a testament to the depth of her pain. Her tears fell like rain, mirroring the storm raging within her.

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