7 - Composition

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Becky's POV

It has been 3 weeks since the night my heart was shuttered into pieces. 3 weeks of avoiding Freen as much as I can, and without letting our friends notice, especially Irin.

I busied myself with school work and council works. Just like now. I am finalizing the preparations for the freshmen ball in the next 2 days.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Let's go to the music room to practice?" Friend asked me.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot". I got up and walked with her.

Friend is helping me with a presentation for the ball. I am to sing a song or two for the ball and she will be my guitarist and co-singer.

We arrived at the music room but to my surprised it is occupied. Freen and her band is still practicing.

Friend knocked the door to get their attention. And they all looked our way.

I am sure I checked the schedule to avoid this exact situation. But what are they doing here?

"I guess it's our time now charmers" Friend smilingly told them.

"Oh but you reserved this time Nam right?" Saint asked his friend.

"Busted!! I actually forgot Saint, I'm sorry." Nam answered scratching her head while smiling.

"It's okay we can practice next time instead" I declared and grabbed Friend's arm.

We were about to go when Freen shouted, "Stop!"

"You don't have to leave. It is your time. We will leave" she calmly declared.

"Let's a take a break for now guys. They reserved for an hour only, after them there is no more reservations". Noey said while looking at the board.

The band agreed and left except for Freen. She insisted to stay and wait away the hour. She explained that she'll be working with her new composition instead.


Freen's POV

She has been avoiding me for 3 weeks already. And I can't blame her.

I may not have a right, especially after what happened. But I miss her. I really do.

But I can't bring myself to approach her. I wouldn't what to do or say anyway.  I don't have answers yet.

At the back of my mind I thank Nam for forgetting to reserve the music room leading to the current situation.

I did not leave. I want to indirectly spend the time with her. So I lied about reviewing my composition just to have a reason to stay.

I am now at the corner pretending to look at my iPad and a headset in my ear with nothing being played. I am actually listening to both of them.

I hear Becky giggle once in a while. They are both good. Friend is talented and Becky sings well.

I enjoy listening to them, then I suddenly notice something.

Friend is leaning too close to Becky. And sometimes pinch Becky's cheeks saying she is too cute.

Yes she is cute. But hell, don't do that. I am now furious.

And Becky.. Becky does not avoid it, she welcomes the gestures and even respond by softly tapping Friends shoulders.

Is Friend flirting with her? Is Becky accepting her? I thought she likes me?

I furrow my eyebrows with those thoughts.

Without thinking too much, I angrily tapped at my table.

They were startled and parted from each other. Success!! I congratulated myself.

I pretended that it was unintentional. I had to do it, I need to stop them flirting in front of me. Urghh!! I even wanted to go in between them.

"Oh I'm sorry! Did I disturbed you? I was just frustrated with my composition. Words doesn't seem to fit." I explained

"It's okay. We were just startled. We are about to finish anyway." Friend answered.

Friend just smiled at me and gestured Becky to proceed with there practice.

And I continued with my "composition".


Friend's POV

Lately I have been noticing Becky with a sad eyes and mood. But with our crowd she seems to force herself to smile, especially when Irin is around.

I wonder what is going on. Should I ask her?

I actually fancy Becky. Who wouldn't? She is so adorable and cute, and to top it all she is so kind;   she never thinks badly of anyone.

I like her but I never tried to act on it. I fear to be rejected and ruin our friendship. But lately I've been trying to send some signals and showing sweet gestures. And becky haven't rejected them.

So now I step up and will try to ask her to go to the ball with me.

"Becky, I have something to ask you". I softly said as we walked out the music room.

"What is it Friend?" She replied.

"Would you go to the ball with me?" I nervously asked

She stopped walking and turned to me. She was silent for a moment and just stares into me.

Then slowly... a smile formed in her lips.

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