20 - Just a tease...

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Becky's POV

We've just left the celebration, and Freen is feeling a bit tipsy, whereas I'm completely sober as I haven't had any alcoholic drinks.

I decided it was a good time to take a refreshing shower. As I stepped into the bathroom, the warm water cascaded over me, washing away the echoes of laughter and the remnants of the festive atmosphere. The steam filled the room, creating a cozy haven of solitude. While I enjoyed the solitude in the shower, I couldn't help but think that Freen was just outside.

Stepping out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around me, I made my way to the luggage to search for my sleepwear. The soft light from the room spilled into the hallway, casting a warm, inviting glow.

From the corner of my eye, I could sense Freen's gaze fixed on me. I remained indifferent to her gaze, but a peculiar sensation began to stir within me. I made an effort to dismiss the feeling and continued with the task at hand, slipping into my nightwear.

Maybe she's just drunk and thinking something, and she's just looking right through me, not into me.

As I approached the side of the bed, I pondered whether to simply retire for the night or engage in a bit of small talk with Freen. I silently questioned whether she was in the mood for conversation.

The room's oppressive silence hung in the air, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. I couldn't help but reminisce about the joyous memories Freen and I had shared in this very room.

I remember, on that exhausting night, we found solace in conversation that ranged from the mundane to the profound. It was during these moments that we discovered the depth of our comfort with each other. Cuddled together, we shared stories and dreams, unwilling to let the night slip away.

But now, instead of adding another happy memory, we found ourselves seated in an uncomfortable silence, each breath weighed down by the palpable awkwardness in the room.

Freen broke the silence, with a trembling voice she spoke, "Becky, I... I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Yeah, it's... awkward," I concurred, breaking the silence with a nod of agreement.

"I am sorry, Becky," she said, and her repeated apologies grated on my nerves. The frustration of not even knowing what she was apologizing for ignited my anger, prompting me to finally let it all out.

I couldn't hold back any longer, and my words poured forth in a torrent, a mixture of frustration and longing. My questions fired like bullets, one after another, relentlessly seeking answers, as I yearned to put an end to the swirling confusion in my heart and mind.

Freen's response came as a disheartening pause in the midst of my barrage of questions. "It's not like that at all, Becky," she replied, her tone tinged with frustration. "You don't understand," she added, her words hanging heavily in the air.

The audacity of her to place the blame on me for not understanding, when she had never taken the time and effort to clarify anything. I am fumed with more frustration at this point.

"How the hell would I, Freen? You were too much of a coward to talk to me!" I shouted, my anger finally erupting in a torrent of words.

Yeah, I am a coward," She admitted. Finally, something we can both agree on.

Then I hear something unbelievable, which sounded like an excuse to me.

"I held you in places I don't know if I am allowed" she said.

"What the hell is she saying?" I thought, feeling completely bewildered. How would she think this way when we are a couple after all?

I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this just an elaborate excuse?"

So, with so much disbelief, I retorted, "Places where you don't know if you're allowed? For pete's sake Freen, you are my girlfriend—were my girlfriend"

I sighed, the words escaping me with weariness. There was no more energy left for shouting; it seemed like I had already exhausted it all.

Freen answered, "Yes I am—was your girlfriend. And the moment you said you love me. It dawned to me....

Her words appeared to be leading in a direction I wasn't ready to hear, so I interrupted her.

"that you don't love me?" I'd rather utter it than her. It would crash me.

I was taken aback by her unexpected response, and her subsequent actions left me even more bewildered.

She rapidly said "No.... Of course, I love you. It dawned to me that you don't deserve how I acted. I did lustful acts and had lustful thoughts of you"

"Coz you know what?" she said, drawing near until we were almost hugging.

Leaving me in a state of both surprise and anticipation, she held my hand and guided it to a place I had never imagined—her crotch.

She whispered words sent a jolt of nervous excitement through me, making my heart feel as though it might skip a beat. "That is what you do to me, baby.

"Do you feel that?" Her question seemed to be a blur with what I could now feel through my hand.

In unison, we both uttered, our hearts pounding in synchrony.

"Freen, You—you are...

"Ye—yes, I am....


Ooppps, just a tease for now,.. peace people... just a bit busy J

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