36 - Scorching Hot

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

36 – Scorching Hot

Becky's POV

As I watched Freen stand her ground with unwavering determination, a mix of admiration and pride surged within me. Witnessing her protect our family and emerge victorious in the confrontation with Tyler's parents was not just empowering but also incredibly arousing.

Freen's voice resonated with firmness, her eyes reflecting a fierce passion as she directly challenged Mr. Thompson's arrogance. It was akin to witnessing a powerful warrior defending her territory, and I couldn't help but be captivated by her strength.

The moment Freen revealed our influential connections and the potential consequences for Mr. Thompson's business, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. It was a stark reminder that Freen wasn't just fighting for us; she was also dismantling deep-seated prejudices and demanding accountability.

If only we are not in a middle of unchartered gap in our marriage I would've surely drag her back home and made love to her.

In that moment, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by desire for Freen, wishing we weren't in the midst of challenges in our marriage. I longed to embrace her and express my admiration physically, but the complexities in c our relationship held me back, reminding me of the work we needed to do together.

Despite the internal conflict, I stood there, silently cheering for Freen's victory and feeling grateful for her strength and determination. She was not just my partner but also my inspiration, and I knew that together we would navigate the obstacles in our path.

As the tension from the confrontation eased and Freen's triumph settled in, I couldn't help but reflect on the depth of our connection. Freen's courage and resilience were qualities that had always drawn me to her, and this moment only amplified my admiration for her.

However, amidst the sense of pride and appreciation for Freen's strength, a troubling thought crept into my mind. Watching her stand up for our family made me think that even if we end up breaking up as wives, maybe it won't be that difficult for our daughter.

 Would a potential separation be too difficult for our daughter? Would Zea understand and accept the changes?

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, startled by the direction my thoughts had taken. 

Was I really considering breaking up with Freen? It was a question I wasn't prepared to answer, at least not without deep introspection and honest conversations with Freen.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for even entertaining such thoughts. 

Freen was my partner, my love, and the mother of our child. The idea of breaking up with her seemed unfathomable, yet the doubts lingered, leaving me conflicted and uncertain.

Maybe Freen heard my uttered curse, she leaned to my side, "Anything wrong?" she asked in a whisper.

Yes, there is a thought of breaking up with you crossed my mind. But, I couldn't say that to her, at least not while she is protecting the honor of our family. So, I just shook my head, "Nothing Freen"

She looked at me furrowed eyebrows, like she doesn't believe me. She was about to say something when Mr. Thompson interrupted her.

"Again we do apologize for the entire matter" Mr. Thompson said bowing her head to me and my wife.

Despite my efforts to push aside the doubts and uncertainties, they continued to linger, casting a shadow over the resolution of the meeting. I knew that I couldn't ignore these feelings indefinitely; they demanded attention and resolution, no matter how difficult they might be to confront.

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