9 - Girlfriend

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

9 – Girlfriend

Becky's POV

Amidst the whirlwind of a demanding Monday morning, I found myself submerged in a towering stack of contracts and reports, each awaiting my careful review and approval. The air around me resonated with the symphony of productivity, accompanied by the rhythmic dance of keys on my keyboard.

A soft, considerate knock on the door momentarily disrupted the orchestration of tasks. Without diverting my gaze from the computer, I heard the gentle voice of my secretary, "There's a delivery for you," conveyed with a warm and understanding smile.

Engulfed in the demands of my workload, I absentmindedly responded, "Oh, just put it on the table, please. I'll attend to it later."

Noey complied, closing the door with a hushed click. As the familiar sounds of the office resumed their rhythmic pattern, a subtle yet cherished fragrance began to weave its way into the air, awakening my senses.

Seeking a brief respite from the contractual obligations, I shifted my gaze away from the screen, and there it was – a delicate bouquet of tulips, gracefully adorning the table.

Intrigued, I approached the table and tenderly unfolded the card attached to the bouquet. The words inside carried a sweetness that effortlessly melted away the stresses of the day: "For the Valentine's Day I missed. May your day be as beautiful as your smile, my love. Sealed with kisses and hugs that I should've given you for the month of February."

A gentle warmth enveloped my heart as I realized this thoughtful gesture was from Freen, my beloved wife. "How incredibly sweet," I whispered, a genuine and grateful smile gracing my lips, momentarily transporting me from the demands of the workday.

As I held the fragrant tulips, Freen's sweet words still lingering in the air, a warmth enveloped me, rekindling a deep connection to the love my wife and I share. The bouquet became a tangible expression of our journey, a reminder of the countless sweet tulip moments that had colored our time together since the beginning of our relationship.

Taking a brief pause to savor the sentiment, I placed the tulips with care in a prominent spot on my desk. Each vibrant petal seemed to echo the laughter and joy we'd shared over the years, creating a mini garden of memories right in the midst of my professional space.

With a renewed spirit, I delved back into the contracts and reports. The weight of the tasks remained, but this time, there was a subtle smile playing on my lips.

As the day unfolded, the delightful surprises continued, and I found myself receiving five more tulip bouquets, each accompanied by sweet words that warmed my heart.

The second bouquet not only held vibrant tulips but also a small teddy bear. The attached note touched my soul, "Seeing you on that day, March 6, was so tempting, so I bought this bear, and I've talked to him every day since then. Sending this one with all the restrained love I had for you." The words transported me back to the time I was in Kuwait, desperately searching for any trace of Freen's well-being.

The third bouquet carried a heartfelt message, "I hope the flowers remind you of all the love we've shared throughout the years. Sent with emotions of missing you for the month of April."

The fourth one evoked deeper emotions, "Sending these flowers for the days you spent in the hospital, exhausting yourself looking for me. I wanted to be there to hold you and tell you I love you and I'm so sorry."

The final note, however, was the sweetest and most romantic of all:

"This month we met again, and I felt your kisses once more. In each tulip, I've hidden the whispers of our love. Let each petal remind you of the warmth of our embrace, until your heart grants me forgiveness for all the months I was not with you. Again, I am so sorry Baby, Please know that I love you beyond words, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong Chankimha. Forever yours, your wife—Freen Sarocha Chankimha "

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