7 - Make me understand

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

7 – Make me understand

Freen's POV

The challenges we faced were far from over. The shadows of our hidden life loomed large, and the truth was now out in the open. Gently cradling Becky in my arms, I whispered, "It's going to be alright, love. I'm here now." I signaled to one of the bouncers, who discreetly approached with a plan in mind.

Carefully, we maneuvered through the bar, the bustling crowd seemingly unaware of the profound moment occurring in their midst. As we reached the private exit, the bouncer ensured that no prying eyes followed us.

Outside, a discreet vehicle awaited, part of the precautions we'd taken over the years. We laid Becky in the back, and I slid in beside her. The driver, aware of the sensitive nature of our situation, navigated through the city with utmost discretion.

The drive was silent, except for the subtle hum of the car. Becky, still unconscious, lay peacefully. The glow of the city lights passed by, casting fleeting shadows on her face. I couldn't help but marvel at the serenity that had settled over her features.

Arriving at my private and heavily secured house, I carefully carried her inside. Laying Becky on the bed, I watched over her as she slept, contemplating the complexities of our situation. The truth had been unveiled, and now, we stood at the crossroads of an uncertain future.

Immediately, I called the one person I knew could help me navigate this sudden turn of events and arranged for my daughter to be transferred to our safe house.

A few rings passed before I heard an answer, "Speak."

"Z," I ended the call, not taking any chances.

In the quiet of the secured house, my mind raced with the unfolding events. The sudden revelation of my presence, the reconnection with Becky, and the potential consequences loomed over our lives. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there was a flicker of hope—the hope of a life where we didn't have to hide, a life where our family could be together without the constant fear of danger.

As Becky continued to rest, I monitored her closely, the worry etched on my face. The bond we shared had endured the trials of separation, and now, faced with the realities of our situation, a renewed determination stirred within me.

After an hour the people I was waiting for arrived.

"How is Zea?" I asked whispering making sure not to wake up my princess in her sleep in her uncle's shoulder.

"Well she was fast asleep when I got her. Luckily she sleeps like a log like my sister." Richie answered.

Richie's words elicited a small smile from me. Afterward, I took my daughter to the adjacent room next to the master bedroom.

Returning to the living room, I expressed my gratitude to Richie. "Thank you for swiftly and safely getting Zea to the safe house. It means a lot."

He nodded understandingly, "You know I'd do anything for family. So what happened that you suddenly revealed yourself to my sister? It's only a matter of time for us to gather all the evidence we need and finally put an end to all of this."

I explained the unexpected turn of events—the visit to the cemetery, the bar, and the revelation to Becky. Richie listened attentively, his expression shifting from surprise to contemplation.

He chuckled, "So basically, you just can't see someone else with your wife."

I laughed, acknowledging the simplicity of Richie's summary. "In a nutshell, yes. But it's more complicated than that. Though I only revealed myself to my wife. Let's assume the worst that they already know. The risks have multiplied now."

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