10 - Divorce

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

10 – Divorce

"How much longer will this be our arrangement, babe?" Becky inquired.

We found ourselves on another dinner date at my place, with Becky taking charge of preparing the meal this time.

"Saint and I have a plan to expose Heng and his conspirators this Friday, coinciding with the post Mid-year financial report for the boards and directors."

"Hmmmmm, so you'll be home next month for your birthday, my love?" she asked with a hopeful smile.

"Absolutely, my love," I replied, capturing the sparkle in her eyes with a tender smile. "I'll be home right after the coast is clear of danger. We'll ensure the police can put Heng behind bars."

Becky's face lit up with joy, and she reached across the table, intertwining her fingers with mine. "I'm counting down the days. It's been far too long since we celebrated any occasion together."

As we savored the meal she had so lovingly prepared, the room bathed in the soft glow of candlelight felt like a haven of warmth and intimacy. The flickering flames mirrored the dance of our hearts, beating in sync with the promise of a brighter future.

"I've missed these moments, just you and me," Becky confessed, her gaze holding a depth of emotion. "No more secrets, no more conspiracies—just the simple beauty of our love."

I nodded in agreement, understanding that amid the turmoil, these ordinary moments held the most profound significance for us. "Once the dust settles, we'll have more than just birthdays to celebrate."

Our eyes locked, creating a shared canvas of dreams and possibilities. Becky leaned in for a soft, lingering kiss, and I welcomed the connection with open warmth.

"So, you are alive!" Heng's voice echoed in my office, abruptly ending my reminiscence of our dinner date the previous night.

"I will make sure myself that you die!" he threatened, now pointing a gun at me.

Despite the ominous turn of events, I clung to the love that had illuminated our recent evening, allowing it to fortify my determination.

"Heng, you can't escape the consequences of your actions. My father embraced you like a son, yet all you did was betray him, planning to take over the entire company," I declared.

"Huh! Like a son! I don't need his love. I just want what my family deserves! For generations, we have served the main family but have always been treated as outcasts because my father is an illegitimate child. Yet, we were the ones paving the way for all your whims!" Heng declared with a bitter tone.

As Heng vented his frustrations, the air in the room seemed to thicken with tension. His bitterness echoed in the confined space, creating an atmosphere charged with resentment.

"Your family's grievances don't justify betraying trust and scheming against the very people who embraced you," I retorted, my voice steady despite the looming threat.

Heng's face contorted with anger, and he tightened his grip on the gun. "You think your righteousness will save you? This company is rightfully mine. I won't let anyone stand in my way!"

Before the situation could escalate further, the door burst open, and Saint, my brother and confidant, entered with a team of security personnel. The sudden intrusion startled Heng, giving us a momentary advantage.

"Drop the weapon, Heng! You're surrounded, and all your conspirators have already been arrested," Saint commanded, his tone firm and authoritative.

Heng seemed shocked by Saint's declaration, glancing between the gun in his hand and the determined faces surrounding him.

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