14 - Plastic tulip

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Becky's POV

My friends and I are currently in the cafeteria, savoring our lunch break. I was unaware that Freen and her friends were approaching our location until one of my friends called out,

"Hey Noey, there's still some space over here," Nop exclaimed.

I turned my head, scanning the bustling cafeteria for Freen's familiar face among the crowd. My eyes met hers, and with a subtle nod, I invited her to join me. Without a word, she understood the unspoken invitation and, wearing a warm smile, made her way over.

I scooted over, making room for Freen by shifting my chair to the side, ensuring that there was a comfortable space for her to settle in beside me.

"Hi baby," she whispered with a soft, affectionate tone and planted a gentle kiss on my cheek. I widened my eyes, my cheeks flushed with disbelief at her unexpected affectionate gesture.

In that fleeting moment, Freen's endearing greeting seemed to cast a spell over the entire cafeteria. The clattering of cutlery and chatter of fellow students faded into the background as our friends collectively turned their attention toward us, their faces reflecting a blend of curiosity, intrigue, and maybe even a hint of playful teasing, as if they had just stumbled upon a well-kept secret.

Some exchanged knowing glances while others attempted to stifle their laughter behind their hands. It was as if we had unwittingly become the stars of an impromptu show, and the audience's reactions were the spotlight we had never asked for.

Freen, for her part, appeared unfazed by the attention she had garnered. She simply flashed a confident, yet affectionate smile and settled into the seat beside me.

Feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement, I managed to regain my composure and playfully retorted, "Well, hello to you too, babe." My voice held a hint of playful surprise, attempting to diffuse the newfound tension with humor.

As Freen and I exchanged our playful greetings and our friends' curiosity grew, Nam decided to take the teasing a step further.

With a twinkle in her eye, she asked, "So, is there something you two have been hiding from us all this time?"

Freen chuckled, her laughter infectious, "Well, it was not meant to be a secret, but I suppose the mystery's out in the open now. Becky and I are together. We are now a couple." She winked at them, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Enfa, chimed in, "Honestly, it's about time you guys let us in on this secret. We've been speculating for ages!" Her words were accompanied by a playful nudge to my arm.

Noey's nosy gaze settled on us as she posed the question, "So, how long have you two been a couple?"

Simultaneously, Freen and I exchanged a glance, and our voices unintentionally harmonized, "It's been a little over three weeks." The unison in our response drew smiles and chuckles from our friends, their curiosity piqued by our synchronized answer.

Our group of friends leaned in, their curiosity now reaching a peak.

Saint, couldn't resist, "What took you so long to spill the beans? We've been waiting for this moment!"

Irin interjected into the conversation, saying, "You can blame me for that. My sister wanted to personally break the news to me first because she had broken her promise to me by pursuing Becky. But we've had a good talk since then, and things are resolved now."

Our friends nodded in unison, understanding the situation that had unfolded before the significant revelation of our relationship.

"So, have you done it already?" Noey's question cut through the air, and her mischievous tone hinted at a more personal inquiry.

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