26- NOT ME

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

26- NOT ME.

"Feeling nervous?" Freen inquired gently as Becky emerged from their walk-in closet, dressed for their initial checkup in preparation for the IVF.

"A little, but mostly excited. Thank you again, babe, for supporting me in our journey to have our second baby," Becky said, her smile a reflection of profound gratitude as she tenderly cupped Freen's face.

Drawing closer to Becky's hand, Freen smiled in return. "No need to thank me, my love. If it weren't for the risks involved, I'd love for you to be pregnant with our child every year," her grin expressing genuine warmth.

Becky chuckled at Freen's playful comment. "Every year might be a tad intense, babe," she remarked, shaking her head in amusement at her wife's jest. "But still... thank you, baby"

Freen leaned in, her eyes reflecting unwavering support. "I'm with you every step of the way, Becky."

Becky's heart swelled with love and reassurance. She squeezed Freen's hand, feeling a surge of gratitude for the strength and understanding her partner offered.

"By the way, babe, you were amazing last night," Becky smiled, locking eyes with Freen.

"Last night?" Freen looked at her wife with a puzzled expression. "But... we didn't do anything last night, baby. Unless you took advantage of me in my sleep, which I wouldn't mind," she teased, grinning.

"Of course not!" Becky playfully pinched her wife. "I'm talking about your conversation with Noey last night," she clarified, rolling her eyes at Freen before reaching for her phone on the bedside table.

Freen chuckled, a mixture of relief and amusement crossing her features. "Ah, that conversation. Well, I'm glad it went well."

Becky nodded, scrolling through her phone. "Yeah,.. I knew you could talk your heart out with her."

A sense of warmth filled Freen's chest. "I'm glad I did. All is left is for them to find their way to each other. I know my sister still loves my best friend, but the question is, will it be enough to forgive Noey."

Becky looked up from her phone, concern etched across her features. "It's a tough situation, Freen. Forgiveness isn't always easy, especially when trust has been broken."

Freen nodded solemnly. "I know. And it's not just about forgiving Noey. It's about rebuilding trust and healing the wounds caused by the betrayal."

Becky reached out and squeezed Freen's hand in reassurance. "Whatever happens, just know that you've done your part by being there for both of them. Sometimes, that's all we can do."

Freen managed a small smile, grateful for Becky's understanding. "Thank you, babe. You always know how to put things into perspective."

"So remember not to do what Noey did, even if it's just a split second, don't even dare to cheat" Becky smirked and raised her eyebrows.

Freen chuckled softly, appreciating Becky's lighthearted yet poignant reminder. "I promise, I won't even think about it."

Becky grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Good, because you know I have a mean right hook," she teased, playfully nudging Freen's shoulder.

Freen laughed, feeling a wave of affection for her wife. "I'll keep that in mind."

With a shared moment of levity amidst the seriousness of their conversation, they exchanged knowing glances, reaffirming their commitment to each other and the values they held dear.


As they arrived at the hospital, a nurse greeted them with a warm smile. "Good day, Mrs. Chankimhas. If you could follow me, we'll head to the conference room where you'll meet the medical team."

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