37 - Lunch surprise

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Book 2: So, this is Forever

37 – Lunch surprise

Becky's POV

As Patricia and Billy ascended the stage to receive their award, a whirlwind of emotions stirred within me, echoing the turmoil I sensed in my wife, Freen. I turned towards her, noticing the disbelief etched on her face as she stared blankly at the stage.

Instinctively, I reached for her hand, feeling her grip tighten as she exhaled, almost as if she had been holding her breath. Our eyes met, and I detected a glimmer of fear in hers. "B-becky," she uttered my name in a hesitant, stuttering voice.

"Baby, I'm right here," I responded, my tone filled with reassurance as I tried to alleviate the anxiety brewing within her. I could sense the thoughts racing through her mind, the fear of losing me to Billy, a haunting threat that had loomed over us in the past and nearly tore us apart.

As Freen struggled to find her voice, I tightened my grip on her hand, silently conveying my support and understanding.

"I know, Freen. I know," I whispered, my voice laced with empathy and concern. "But remember, that was then." Freen nodded, her eyes searched mine, seeking solace and reassurance.

The memories of our past struggles with Billy's presence flooded my mind, adding to the tension of the moment.

Freen remained uneasy throughout the remainder of the gala event, her usual vivacity overshadowed by an underlying tension. It wasn't Patricia and Billy's success that troubled her; rather, it was Billy's mere presence that seemed to threaten her sense of security.

I tried to anchor her in the present moment, "Babe, look at me. I'm here... with you. I am your wife, no else's." I murmured, hoping to shift her focus away from Billy's presence.

I know we are still in the middle of a challenge in our marriage, and we just promised each other to try and not give up, to believe in our love, and the presence of our past lover and interest surely makes it harder. But I wanted to reassure her, that Billy will not threaten my commitment to her and to our marriage.

Freen seemed to understand what I was trying to convey and sighed. "I'm sorry, babe," she said, kissing the top of my hand. "Let's enjoy the rest of the evening," she smiled at me, a hint of relief in her eyes.

The rest of the night passed in a heavy silence from meaningful conversation, with Freen clinging to me as if claiming me, which I let her, coz after all I'm her wife... still her wife, anyway.

As we mingled with other guests, Freen's grip on my hand never wavered. I could feel the weight of her emotions, the lingering unease that Billy's presence had stirred within her. But I also sensed a newfound determination in her, a resolve to confront her fears and trust in our relationship.

We danced together, the music weaving around us as if echoing the rhythm of our hearts. In that moment, there was no room for doubt or insecurity. We were simply two souls connected by love, weathering the storms together.

As the gala event neared its end, I excused myself, needing a moment to collect my thoughts away from the vibrant chaos of the ballroom. Stepping into the restroom, I took a deep breath, the ambient sounds of the event muffled by the closed door. But the tranquility was short-lived as I heard the door creak open, revealing Patricia's figure entering the room.

There was an immediate tension in the air, unspoken words hanging between us like heavy clouds. Our shared history was a tapestry woven with misunderstandings and unresolved conflicts, especially concerning my relationship with Freen.

The beginning of foreverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora