46 - SC 2 - My Everything!

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Becky's POV

Freen was mistaken; the year we spent in a long-distance relationship felt like never-ending, far from a mere fleeting moment. Each day seemed to stretch endlessly, with minutes dragging on. The longing for her became almost unbearable, and I find myself missing her deeply.

Despite the challenges of our separation, the connection we shared remained resilient. We navigated through the distance with late-night calls, heartfelt messages, and the occasional surprise that helped bridge the physical gap between us. It wasn't easy, but the strength of our bond fueled the hope that kept us going.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the anticipation of being reunited intensified. The thought of closing the geographical distance between us kept the flame of our love burning brightly. In those moments of yearning, I discovered the depth of my feelings for her, realizing that true connection transcends the constraints of physical proximity.

Recently, the challenges in our relationship have intensified. Freen has been missing our scheduled video calls, and there are instances where she sleeps through them. I understand that she's grappling with the demands of her new academic pursuits, a realm she's not accustomed to. In the past, she was a go-with-the-flow person, but now she's committed to giving her best. While I'm genuinely happy for her dedication and growth, I can't help but admit that at times, I find myself yearning for more of her time and attention.

"Beck, are you listening?" Friend exclaimed, jolting me from my train of thought.

Friend and I are now on my table at the council office finalizing our project to be submitted tonight, as today is the last day of classes.

Apologizing for my momentary lapse, I refocused on the conversation, I replied, "Sorry, Friend. I was just thinking about—"

"Freen. You're thinking about your girlfriend," she interrupted with a knowing smile.

"Y-yeah, I am. I just miss her," I admitted, a hint of longing in my voice.

"Then call her! I think classes might have ended by this time as well," Friend suggested.

"Well, that's more of the problem. I've been calling for a while now, especially since she hasn't messaged me since last night," I replied, a note of concern in my voice.

Friend noticed my growing concern and offered reassurance. "People get busy, especially with new academic challenges. Maybe she's caught up in something important. Try reaching out again after a while, and I'm sure she'll get back to you."

"I understand, but I hope she'll just update me. Just one message, you know," I responded, my worry reflected in my tone. The need for a simple acknowledgment from Freen lingered in the air, highlighting the challenges of balancing personal relationships with the demands of a busy life.

Friend nodded understandingly, acknowledging the delicate balance between personal life and academic commitments. "I'm sure she'll get in touch soon. Sometimes people lose track of time."

I sighed, glancing at Friend. I noticed her furrowed brow as she stared at her phone.

"Friend... Can I ask for a favor, please?" I inquired, a hint of vulnerability in my voice.

Friend looked up from her phone, concern etched on her face. "Of course, Beck. What do you need?"

"Would it be fine if I just email the last part of the project later? I just want to go home. I don't think I can focus on it right now," I admitted, the weight of personal concerns overshadowing the task at hand. My request bore the vulnerability of someone grappling with the complexities of both work and personal life.

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