30 - Thousand miles away

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Becky's POV

As I watched Freens' car drive away from the airport, a sense of longing washed over me. I already missed her, and the feeling of her absence engulfed my soul.

I stood there, gazing at the receding car until it disappeared from view. The emptiness in the pit of my stomach was a reminder of the space she had occupied in my life. Though I felt her absence keenly, I knew our love would bridge the distance until we were reunited.

My heart skipped a beat as I received a message from her. I quickly unlocked my phone, eager to read her words and feel a little closer to her, despite the physical distance between us.

I blushed as I opened the message to find a picture of her in the same bra and shorts, she had worn this morning after her shower, a playful yet intimate gesture. Her message, "So you won't miss me much, heart, body and soul I'm yours, Rebecca Patricia Armstrong," made me smile, and I couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through me, knowing that Freen is mine as she declares.

With a grin, I quickly replied, "You're making it impossible not to miss you, babe. Can't wait to hold you again. I love you, I'll update you once we land" My message conveyed the depth of my affection and the eagerness with which I anticipated our reunion.

"Do you love her?" my brother asked, capturing my attention.

His question hung in the air for a moment, and I considered my response carefully. With a heartfelt smile, I replied, "Yes, I love her more than words can express. She means the world to me."

"But she has a reputation for being a bit of a player, doesn't she?" My brother voiced his concern with a thoughtful tone.

I appreciated my brother's concern and responded, "I know her history but I'm confident in our relationship. People can grow and change, and I trust her completely."

"I still have my doubts about her," my brother continued, his concern lingering in his voice.

I nodded, a trace of irritation in my tone, and replied, "I get it, you have your concerns, and I suppose your opinion matters."

Our mother interjected, her voice filled with affection, "Your brother just wants to make sure you're taken care of, dear. We all have your best interests at heart."

My brother declared, "That is true, baby sister, we love you. It's just that I still feel more comfortable when it's Billy." Our family's concern and love were evident in his words.

The mention of his name plunged me into an awkward silence.

"Does Freen know about him?" my brother inquired, clearly sensing the awkward silence that had fallen over me.

Richie continued, "You two were deeply in love the last time I remember."

His remark made me swallow a lump in my throat, and I instinctively gripped my bag tighter, the bouquet card hidden within it. My brother was correct; Billy and I loves each other.

"I... I haven't told Freen about him," I admitted, my voice quivering with uncertainty and the weight of my unshared history.

My mother and Richie exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the emotional complexity of the situation. My mother then spoke with a supportive tone, "It's a lot to share, but you should consider discussing it with Freen when the time feels right. Honesty is essential in any relationship."

"I will, when I get back. I need to sort things out first, with myself, with Billy, and then with Freen," I replied, determined to address the entire complexity.

Richie declared, "You'd better choose wisely, sister," his words carrying a hint of his own preference for who he believed I should be with.

I chose to remain silent, instead, I gazed at Freen's picture once more and held out Billy's card, contemplating the significant decision I had to make.

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