43 - Something is wrong

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43 – Something is wrong

Taking a deep breath, I tried to push down the surge of jealousy rising within me. Reminding myself to stay calm and approach the situation with an open mind, I stood frozen in place, unable to tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding before me.

"Becky, please," Billy's voice pleaded, Billy pleaded, holding onto my wife's hand like it was the last lifeline on a sinking ship. My heart hammered in my chest as I watched their interaction, a knot forming in the pit of my stomach.

Thankfully, Becky withdrew her hand from Billy's hold, a silent acknowledgment of our marriage, or so I hoped. But as I listened to Billy's persistent pleas, my unease only grew.

"I can be a better partner, I can give you a child, just choose me, Becky," he persisted, his words like a dagger twisting in my gut.

"I think you've said more than enough," I finally interjected, unable to remain silent any longer.

Becky's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to face me, a hint of guilt flashing across her features. "Oh, hey, babe!" she stammered, clearly caught off guard. "I was just... um, looking around. And he... just saw me."

"Okay" I simply said and stared at Billy.

My wife walked towards me ang hugged my arm. "Let's just go, babe"

"Hmmmm...Alright" I agreed with Becky and gestured for her to exit the store first but Billy grabbed my arm.

Billy shot Becky a look that screamed 'please, just pick me!' before turning to me with this cocky grin. "You know everything I said is the truth. I am more befitting to be her husband," he whispered, like he's got some secret weapon. His words like a venomous serpent coiling around my thoughts. My fists clenched at my sides, ready to lash out in anger.

But then, as if sensing my turmoil, I felt a gentle touch on my clenched fist. Glancing down, I saw Becky's hand intertwined with mine, her touch grounding me in the midst of the storm raging within.

"He's not worth it, baby", Becky uttered. Feeling Becky's reassuring touch and words, I took a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts amidst the chaos of emotions swirling inside me.

Billy's smug expression faltered as he glanced between us, and saw how Becky tried to calm me down.

"I'm right, and you know it Freen" he muttered awkwardly, taking a step back.

As Billy walked away, I turned to Becky, searching her eyes for an explanation. "What was that all about, babe?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Becky sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "It's... that...," she began, her words hesitant. "He's been trying to convince me to leave you and... and start over with him. He even sent me flowers the other day"

My heart sank at her words, a mix of hurt and anger bubbling up inside me. I faced her with a "what the hell" expression and was about to respond but she gave me no chance.

"Look! Before you overthink about not me telling you about it, I just forgot it. Not an excuse, but it just literally slipped off my mind. Coz well for obvious reason, his actions are not so significant for me, it wouldn't matter even if he got me all the flowers in the world." She declared.

Feeling the weight lift from my shoulders with Becky's comforting words, I exhaled deeply, letting go of the tension that had gripped me. Her honesty was like a soothing balm to my soul.

I gently squeezed her hand, offering a grateful smile. "Thanks, babe," I said, feeling a warmth spreading through me. "I appreciate you being so upfront with me."

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