16 - Exam

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Freen's POV

Amid the school's buzz of preparation for mid-year exams, Rebecca and Irin were deep in their studies. Their days were filled with books, notes, and intense focus.

As for me, while I was preparing for the same exams, I had a more relaxed approach. I respected Rebecca's dedication and didn't want to disturb her intense study sessions. I knew not to disturb Rebecca during her intense study sessions. The last thing I wanted was to be labeled as a distraction, potentially hindering her path to a successful future.

Our schedules rarely aligned, with only brief moments during breaks or group study sessions when we'd meet. These times felt precious, even though we were in different school years.

During group study sessions, Rebecca and Irin delved deep into their studies. In those moments when we were together, I'd catch myself missing Rebecca terribly. I often lightened the mood with jokes and snacks.

Though I missed Rebecca, I knew not to disturb her. I believed that my patience and support were the best ways to show my love during this demanding time.

As the last day of exams approached, a sense of relief filled the air. Finally, the intense study sessions were coming to an end, and students like Rebecca could see a glimmer of freedom on the horizon. The weight of exams was lifting, and there was an undeniable sense of accomplishment.

I, who had patiently supported Rebecca throughout this challenging period, knew that it was time to celebrate this small victory together.

I approached Rebecca with a warm smile, and as the last exam concluded.

I hugged her from the back, and I gently asked, "Baby, now that exams are finally over, would you like to go on a small date with me? Just the two of us?"

Rebecca's tired eyes brightened, maybe at the thought of spending some quality time together, away from the textbooks and study materials.

With a smile, she replied, "Yes, Freen, I'd love that. Let's enjoy a well-deserved date."

However, I couldn't help but notice a trace of reluctance in Rebecca's voice. Concerned, I gently inquired, "Is there an issue, babe? If you'd prefer to head home and rest, I completely understand."

Rebecca quickly reassured me, "It's not that, babe. But Freen, I'm not sure if I look the best for a date at the moment. I've been sleep-deprived and exhausted from all the exam preparations."

With her voice held a hint of doubt as she added, "I may not be at my most beautiful right now."

With a gentle and reassuring tone, responded, "Rebecca, you are as beautiful as ever. The fact that you've worked so hard during these exams makes you even more amazing in my eyes.

You are the most beautiful when you're being yourself, tired or not. Let's just enjoy this moment together, and you'll always look perfect to me."

In response to my words, she embraced me tightly, her voice a soft and tender whisper, "Thank you, babe." In that moment, our love spoke volumes, and no other words were needed.


Becky's POV

I've been quite swamped with my studies lately, preparing for the upcoming exams. I've had concerns about neglecting my girlfriend, worried that she might seek attention elsewhere. However, to my pleasant surprise, Freen has been incredibly understanding and supportive throughout this busy period.

During my solo study sessions, she often surprises me with a selection of my favorite snacks, plants a sweet kiss on my cheek, and holds my hand for a moment, offering her affection without becoming a distraction. She knows when to give me space to concentrate.

Even in our group study sessions, I've noticed the affectionate looks she gives me, along with the occasional short, sweet back hug or her caring gesture of draping a cardigan over my shoulders when I'm feeling cold. Her unwavering support has been a source of comfort during this demanding time.

After the exams had ended, my girlfriend suggested we go on a date, and I gladly accepted. Despite my feelings of not being at my best, she made sure to remind me of my beauty and boosted my self-esteem.

After a few minutes drive, I found us sitting at a cozy beachside cafe, our table nestled in the soft, golden sand. The sun was making its leisurely descent towards the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the serene beach. The rhythmic sound of waves caressed our ears, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and serenity.

Freen sighed, gently holding my hand, and whispered, "This beach, this view, and being here with you, it's like paradise."

Her words carried the warmth of the moment, and I couldn't help but smile and. respond, "It's beyond beautiful, Freen. I can't believe we get to experience this together."

She looked at me and rub the top of my hands, "You know, you're like the sun setting right now, a breathtaking sight in this magical light."

"You always make me feel so special," I replied, leaning into Freen's shoulder as we gazed at the tranquil horizon.

"Because you are special, I'm so lucky to have you in my life," Freen continued, her eyes filled with affection.

I replied with a heartfelt smile, "I am as lucky as much as well, baby."

She then lovingly adjusted my position in my seat and eagerly announced, "I've got another delightful surprise in store for you."

I felt my curiosity piqued and exclaimed, "Another surprise? What could possibly be better than this amazing date?"

With a mischievous grin, Freen reached down beside her chair and carefully set a charming, wrinkled bulldog puppy on the table, comfortably nestled in a little basket.

My excitement overflowed, and I couldn't resist reaching out to pick up the adorable pup.

Freen said, her eyes filled with affection, "I know how much you love dogs. And he'll be great company, especially when I go to Harvard next year. He'll make sure no one makes a move on you. He'll protect you." She gently patted the dog's head, her smile reflecting the trust and love we shared, both for each other and our new, loyal companion.

"This is the best surprise ever! And I already know his name. Say hello to Bonbon," I exclaimed with enthusiasm. My girlfriend simply nodded and smiled in agreement, a shared understanding of the perfect name for our charming furball.

As I held Bonbon in my arms, the little furball stuck his tongue out in a charming and comical manner.

"Look at him, Freen! He's such a goofy and adorable little guy with his tongue out," I exclaimed excitedly, my heart brimming with adoration of Bonbon.

"Bonbon is just like his Dad—Daday, making us laugh and adding even more joy to this beautiful evening," I said with a playful grin, feeling a deep sense of happiness and contentment.

The beach, the sunset, and the presence of Bonbon made the evening truly magical, a testament to the love and laughter we shared as a couple.

Author's note:

Just a short update for now. 

Told you some boring chapters, but hopefully you will still read, vote and even comment for suggestions.

Have a great day a head.

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