1: Mother Screams her Head Off

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<Queenie POV>

  Once upon a time, in a land, far, far, away... well, more like 20 years ago and in a chunk of land next to the island that I live on... Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. So instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. Yay... He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. This is my life. No magic. No entertainment. No way out. Or so I thought. Hang on, just wait a moment. You have to know the whole story. So, in the beginning of my story...

  "Get out of bed this instant or it's off with your head!" My mother, the queen of hearts, screamed her head off, first thing in the morning. I've got to say, it definitely made my day.

  "Did you even hear me?" She yelled again, going at an inhuman volume now.

  "Mother, I'm up now." I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Why do you even wake me up?"

  "You need to play with me," She said brazenly.

  "It was a rhetorical question, just like every morning." I mumbled. It was a tradition of sorts. She wakes me up at the crack of dawn (6:00AM), every day to play pointless games.

  "What did you say?"

  "I mean, yes your majesty."

  "That's much better."

  We basically spend the entire day playing games. She has to win, or she throws a tantrum, which is really scary. If she gets angry, I usually hide in a corner of the house and stay quiet so she doesn't find me. After some of these, she just basically ignores me. This is when I read or write songs.

  I love singing and writing songs. They help relieve me of my fear. I wrote my first song when I was scared. Scared that my mom was, surprise, screaming about executions and murder. I changed the lyrics to 'Mary had a Little Lamb'. They were "Absolutely nothing's wrong, nothing's wrong, nothing's wrong, I'll be fine at the end of the song, so I'll just sing along". Don't judge me, I was five, and very good for a five year old, if I do say so myself.

  Anyway, after that, I have dinner. Not that the Isle of the Lost has many books, but Lady Tremaine or Jafar sometimes hoards books and if I go to their stores, I can usually get a solid hour of reading time with some bribing. I love this time with all of my heart as it is the only time I have left the house I had for as long as I can remember. Then it should be around 11:00 in the night and I will go to sleep. My mother doesn't care what I do after game time. I want her to show me love and affection, like I have always read about in Auradon books, but it seems impossible.

  Where was I? Oh right, sleep. Now, something very interesting happens when I sleep. I believe that I am connected to someone in Auradon, but not anyone, the crown prince of Auradon. His name is Alexander Beast and he is the kindest person who I have ever met, always smiling when I see him, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous and my best friend. My first encounter with him happened when we were both babies, I believe. My mother once told me while she was complaining to me, that I used to smile after sleep when I was a baby, but I never smile anymore. Also that a woman, much less a princess's smile should be perfect, but I stopped paying attention after she told me that I probably had been seeing Alex since I was a baby.

  The happiest part of any given day in all 16 years of my life would have been in dreamland with Alex. I don't always remember it, but he always makes me feel better and tells me amazing things about Auradon. The settings of these dreams changed everyday, from what I am told is Alex's room and sometimes my room, or I believe places that we feel comfortable in. He is the only one who I tell all of my secrets to, and presents my songs to. I can confirm with the utmost confidence that he is my most trusted confidant. That is my attempt at "princess speak". Anyway, While I do trust him and we kind of grew up together, I don't know if he is real. It is the reason why I trusted him in the first place. 

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