31: And We Literally Went to Hades!

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  Today was the day! It was the day that I would hopefully get my memory back and the ordeal that had been happening for the past month or so would be over! Hopefully!

I woke up extra giddy -so I did get sleep after all- and hugging Alex. The voice of Torri saying "You two are too cute" was what I woke up to. I saw her take a picture of us out of my squinting eyes. "10 more minutes Torri, please?"

"Nope! We have a long way to go!"

"Fine," I said, dragging the 'e'. Lexie still didn't wake up, so I shook him awake and he just hugged me tighter. I smiled fondly and kissed his cheek. Then stood up and let Torri splash him with water. We were both clutching our stomach and laughing on the floor as a confused and drenched Alex shot up from his sleeping bag.

"What- Where- Who...?"

We had tears in our eyes and were rolling on the floor now. After all three of us calmed down and Alex had finished chasing us with an excess bucket of water, we packed up and left for Olympus. There was only a bit more of the journey left and I was getting increasingly nervous.

I just decided to sleep, and when I opened my eyes, we were at the foot of the mountain. "Do we really have to climb up there?"

"Yes we are going to climb up the highest mountain, just to be blasted by a god because of our daringness! Nah, we are going to a temple nearby for Mnemosyne and ask her to appear." Torri exclaimed.

So we walked over to the temple. I saw multiple other temples dedicated to more well-known gods and I've got to say, they were a lot more lavish and bigger, not to mention cleaner than the one for Mnemosyne.

I felt bad so I said "Can we clean her temple up before we ask her? I think that it is common courtesy, to do something before actually asking a favour and somewhat our duty to clean this place up."

"Let's do it!" Alex was too enthusiastic about this. I appreciate it, since they technically don't have to do it, or even come along, but we are just cleaning, aren't we?

"Why are you excited?" Torri voiced for me.

"It's just exciting, isn't it? I'm actually going to see one of the original titans! It's just an honour."

"If you say so..." I said.

We spent the next 3 hours or so cleaning up the temple. It was a gruelling process and to be frank, I half-wished that I left it the state it used to be. However, when I saw the gleaming and clean temple, I felt proud. It was almost worth it. My back hurt a lot, but it's the emotions that matter, right?

We set up the altar and we called on Mnemosyne. Almost immediately, she appeared and said "Hello, children. I have been watching you and I am grateful for you cleaning up my temple. It isn't much, but it is mine, and again, I appreciate it."

"Thank you, great titaness. I have one request; please help me. I have lost my memory due to a spell, according to Fairy Godmother. She told us that there was nothing that she could do and from what we found, only with your help and bathing in the river Lethe, I can get them back. Could you kindly accept this request?"

"Of course! Are you willing to go to Hades now?"

"Yes! Thank you so much for accepting and helping me get my memories back!" She only smiled.

"You have to know that this is a journey that one must take alone. Your friends cannot come with you."

"We understand." Torri said for the two of them. Alex just looked nervous. They both waved goodbye and I blew a kiss back.

"Close your eyes, Queenie Heart." So I did what she asked me to do. I felt gentle winds blowing at me and a swooping sensation in my stomach like I was falling. "I don't have much magic, but I have enough magic for this. Zeus would let me do this and even if I am not allowed to do this, the future Queen of Wonderland should have her childhood memories. You will present a strong case." And when I opened my eyes, we were in Hades.

Without the King of the Underworld, it was a mess, to say the least. There were spirits everywhere, piling up and waiting for their judgement that would never come unless Hades came back and ordered the judges to get back to work. People in the torture side weren't being tortured, as the furies need Hades's permission to actually torture and the other sides didn't seem like much changed.

Mnemosyne calmly led me to Hades's palace and I saw nothing happening, probably because it was time for Persephone to be above the ground. Next to it, was the famous river Lethe, flowing with yellow substance.

When I approached it, the titaness stopped me and said "Stop. There is a secret, you see, and you have to promise not to tell it, as it is the secret of the dead, and if you do, I will bring you here again myself and just make you lose your memories again, but this time, permanently. Do you understand?"


"Okay then." She led me to a beautiful clear pool, one that didn't look like it belonged in Hades, and she said "This is the river Mnemosyne. It makes you remember everything in your next life if you drink it when you are dead. This information is strictly unknown to mortals and that should be why your book said that I can help you, but you have to bathe in the waters of river Lethe. Drink up, and you should remember."

So I drank the water, heart pounding in anticipation. "Umm... Titaness Mnemosyne, are the memories supposed to be back now?"

"It should be back in at least the next minute or so. I wouldn't know, but people said that their memories are gradually returning." And we sat in silence for roughly 5 minutes.

"I don't think that they are back. I don't remember anything." There was a sinking feeling in my gut and all the previous elation disappeared extremely quickly,

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

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