Chapter 15 - Rest

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Alyssa Takada

I don't know which one is more painful.

Having your arm and leg sprained or knowing the fact that your husband will scold you and hate you for the rest of your life when all you did was love him?

I think the second one.

Carrie always asked me why I loved Liam so much. The answer is I don't even know why I fell for him. I mean, I know why I love him, but there are no specific reasons why I loved him for eleven years. At first, he was known to be the smartest kid in school. He also played football, and he got the looks, too. It's weird if I didn't fall for him.

One thing that made me want him is that he has his values in life. He knows what he wants, and he won't let any of his friends ruin it for him. He will never let anyone get in his way.

I don't know if I'm able to move on. I've always wanted him, and when I got him, it made him hate me more. He hates it when I stand in his way and always be a pain in his ass. He hates it.

He always said that I'm such a handful, and he's sick of always picking my shit up.

"Do you need anything?" Ren and his grandmother were so kind to let me stay. I told him I didn't have friends in New York and felt sorry that he had to pick me up at the hospital.

Ren's grandmother is so sweet that she made me some food to recover soon. Not to mention, it's been so long since I spoke Japanese that I missed it.

"I'm fine. Thank you so much." I smiled at his grandmother, and she walked to the kitchen. Ren walked towards me, bringing my medicine.

"Thank you, Ren. I'll make sure you remind myself that I owe you big time." I said, and he chuckled.

"It's fine. You don't need to feel like you owe me. I'm just helping you because I want to." I ate the medicine and drank the warm water that he gave me.

Since it was already late, Ren carried me to the guest room so I could rest. He left the door open in case I needed some help. I looked down at my leg and arm, hating myself for causing so much trouble.

This is why I'm not suitable to be Liam's wife. There's no way that I can keep leaning on him when I'm so clumsy and a handful.

That's why divorcing him will be the best thing for him.

Not long after I lay on the bed, I fell asleep.

Suddenly, I could feel that someone was picking me up.

"Ren, I—" I snapped my eyes open and found Liam carrying me. I looked around, and I was still in Ren's house.

"Liam?" My breath got hitched, and I saw Ren standing at the door.

"Thank you, Ren. I'll revisit you and your grandmother after I recover." I said, and I could feel Liam's grip on me tightened.

"Okay." Ren smiled, and I waved at him.

Liam brought an ambulance with him and laid me on the stretcher. He got in with me, and I didn't even dare to look at him. I'm scared that he'll rant out about how stupid I was. I don't even know how he found out where I was.

"Do you forget that you have a husband? Or do you have a sudden amnesia because of the crash?" Liam's tone was cold and angry.

"Sorry." My eyes filled with tears, completely scared that he'd scold me and blame me for the crash.

For the rest of the ride, Liam didn't try to talk to me. When we arrived at the hospital, Liam brought me to the emergency room to check everything. When he left, Rocky guarded me.

"Rocky," I called, and he turned to me.

"Is Liam that angry? How did he find out?" I asked as I tried to get up.

"He was worried. He asked the other hospital for your records before going to Ren's house. One of the guards saw your car and reported to us." I sighed and ran my right hand through my hair.

"He looked so mad. Did he do anything to Ren?"

"You should care about your fucking well-being instead of worrying about other people!" Liam entered the room, and I shut my mouth right away. Some doctors and nurses turned to him.

"If you hate me so much, you should let me stay at Ren's house. Did I call you to pick me up?!" I burst out and cried. "You hate me so much for always giving you a hard time, and I understand that. So please... just let me be." I begged, and Liam sighed before walking away. Rocky closed all the curtains to give me some privacy after fighting with Liam.

I checked the time, and it was almost two in the morning.

I reached for my phone and found Ren texted me.

Ren: I'll visit you later in the morning.
Alyssa: It's okay.
Ren: He told me that he's your husband. Is that true?
Alyssa: Yes. You don't have to visit me, everything is fine.
Alyssa: I'll visit you once I'm fully recovered.

Liam Hastington

"I think you're too harsh on her, Mr.Hastington," Rocky said after I changed her IV. She's still sleeping because I gave her extra sleeping pills.

I wanted to move her to a room, but there were so many people trying to recover from the accident, and they were filling up the room. We had to stay in the emergency room until later in the evening.

"She asked me if you're mad at her." I turned to Rocky and gestured for him to leave. I opened the curtains to keep my eyes on her while checking some of my patients' charts at the nurse station.

"Your girlfriend won't stay with you if you keep being mean to her," Marie said, causing some doctors and nurses to turn their attention to me.

"She's not my girlfriend." I hissed.

"I never seen you care this much." She said as she grabbed some medicine. I ignored her statement and turned to Alyssa, who was still sleeping.

"Erna will take care of her. You should go home and rest." Marie said before she left.

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