Chapter 57 - Two

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Liam Hastington

After tracking the Rogue team for twelve hours, we successfully brought them back. They were beaten up pretty badly, and two of them almost died. I had to operate them in the headquarters to save their lives.

After I finished treating ten people, I decided to take a rest. I texted Alyssa that I'll be back in two hours. I need to watch them for a while in case of a complication.

I walked into the torture room and found Kaleb, Vincent, and Luke were having fun. Kaleb was doing archery with the kidnapper's head as his target. As for Vincent, he's doing the most by using his grater machine. On the other hand, Luke was having fun by torturing them with water.

Instead of joining them, I went to my office and bumped into Blake. I'm pretty sure he just finished torturing people. Blood was all over him.

"You okay?" I asked, and he turned to me.

"I'll be fine."

"Did something happen?"

"Yes, but it's nothing that I can't handle." With that, he entered his office. I walked into my office and decided to get some work done.

Alyssa Takada

I was going back and forth, ultimately going insane because I was worried about Liam. He did text me that he was okay, but I can't help but worry. I knew that he always does dangerous things with The Ravens, so I can't help but wonder if he's okay or not.

Suddenly, my phone rang, and it was Liam.

"Where are you?!" I asked as soon as I picked up.

"I'm getting us dinner. Do you want anything?" I broke down.

"What's wrong? Shit! What happened? Aeri, what's wrong? Alyssa..."

"I want you to come home now." I sobbed.

"Okay. I'm on my way back. Is everything okay? What happened?" I was so stressed. I was so worried because when he left yesterday, he told me that something happened with the team. He did send someone to protect me and make sure I got back to my apartment safely, but he didn't update me until a few hours ago.

I was so scared for him, especially after knowing about The Ravens.

Ten minutes after he called, he showed up in front of my apartment door.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked, worried. I cried and hugged him.

"I'm here. I'm here, and you don't have to worry." He hugged me tightly and caressed my back, assuring me he was okay.

"I'm here... it's okay..." He kept assuring me until I stopped crying and calmed myself down. He sat me down and asked, "What happened? Tell me. Did you have—"

"I thought something was wrong and something bad happened." I cut him and cried again.

"I'm okay. I'm not hurt." He showed me his arms, and he stood up, turning his body 360 so I could see he was not hurt.

"I thought you got involved in something bad."

"No. The Rogue team got kidnapped, and we had to find them. They were badly injured, and I had to operate some of them. I stayed in the headquarters to check on them, and I'm sorry I didn't update you sooner." He sat down and smiled.

"You're annoying." His eyes widen.


"You're smiling. Are you mocking me?"

"No. I think you're adorable. I love that you're worried about me. It means you still love me." I glared at him and wiped my tears. He laughed, seeing me change drastically.

"Do you love me?" He asked, and I shook my head. I hugged him again, and he pulled me to sit on his lap.

"Aeri Takada, do you love me?" I shook my head as I buried my head in his neck, loving the warmth he gave me.

"Marry me."

"No." I hugged him tighter.

"Please..." He begged, and I pulled away from him.

"What if we fail again..."

"We won't."

"What if your feelings are just a phase?" He shook his head and kissed me on my cheek.

"It's not a phase."

"Are you sure you want to marry me again? I'm pretty sure there's—"

"No. I want you, and that's that." He caressed my cheek.

It was enough. His statement was enough to convince me to marry him again. I know he won't repeat his mistakes.


"Okay?" He raised his eyebrows.



"When?" He asked back, completely confused.

"Do you want to get married now?"

"No." He shook his head.


"I want to make it right this time. I want to propose to you." I was surprised. I thought he would take me to church tomorrow morning.

"You don't—" He kissed me, and I immediately kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Can we have a dog after we get married?" I pushed his chest, causing him to chuckle. He turned his head to Riri and Lili's aquarium.

"A dog? I don't think it's a good idea."

"Come on. It will be cute."

"Chihuahua?" I glared at him.



"No. I want medium to large dogs." I pouted.

"What kind of dogs do you want then?"

"Golden Retriever or maybe a Labrador." I clapped my hands, excited.

"Oh god." He sighed.

"Come on," I begged and gave him a peck on his lips.

"We need a house if we want to get a dog." I squealed and got up from his lap, jumping on the sofa beside him.

"Are you for real?"

"Yes, love." He nodded, and I squealed again.

"You're the best!"

"Let's go house hunting tomorrow."


"How many kids are we planning to have?" He asked, and I gave him two fingers.

"Very well. Two kids, one dog, and two turtles." He face-palmed himself, and I squealed again.

"Two kids, two dogs, and two turtles," I said, and he shook his head.

"Two dogs. It would be perfect..." I begged, and he sighed before saying, "Fine. Anything for you, baby." I squealed so loud and started to jump up and down the sofa.

"I love you!" I squealed, and he chuckled.

"I love you too."

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