Chapter 28 - Papers

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Alyssa Takada

Reina and Robin were looking at Liam with so much hatred. Liam didn't even react to the twins, and he was busy cutting his steak.

"I don't understand why you're inviting us to dinner," Reina said, and I sighed.

Liam invited the twins to dinner, and he said he wanted to thank them for taking care of me for the past five days. There's no such thing as thanking someone else in Liam's dictionary. He has another plan on his agenda.

"As a thank you for taking care of my wife for the past five days," Liam said in a bored tone.

"You don't need to act like a doting husband when you barely know Alyssa. You don't give two fucks about her." Robin yelled out, and Liam put his knife and fork down. He stared straight into Robin's eyes, and Reina gulped nervously.

"Tell me, Robin. What have you done for my wife as her friend to protect her? You didn't do shit." I grabbed his arm, digging my nails to stop him. "Yesterday, there were people who tried to touch her in the club while she was fucking drunk. What did you do? You were busy drinking and dancing with another woman who you ended up fucking that night." Robin leaned his body back to his seat, completely speechless.

"Two nights ago, the three of you went to a club, and someone poisoned the three of you until all of you passed out. The bartender tried to steal your belongings while the three of you were sleeping." Oh boy.

"I have eyes on my wife twenty-four hours. Just because I'm not here in person doesn't mean I don't know what kind of silly plan she has in her head. I have two snipers up on the building watching her, twenty disguised bodyguards around her within five meters range, and three hitmen standing by outside the building, ready to kill whoever tries to hurt my wife. I also have my jet here to bring her to New York. So I think you and your twins who gave two fucks about her." Robin and Reina shut their mouth.

"Adding the fact that I've taken all the people who messed with her for the past five days when I'm not here. The people who touched her, the people who mocked her, and earlier, the people who catcalled her." I eyes Reina to leave, and Reina gestured for Robin to follow her. After the twins left, I took a sip of my wine.

"Why are you here?" I asked softly, trying so hard not to get angry with him.

"You lured me here." He said as he took a bite of his steak.

"So you're saying it's because of me?"

"Who else?" He turned to me, and I turned back to my food. I cut my steak and took a bite.

"I don't need you to send people to protect me. I'm capable of protecting myself. You don't need to feel that you need to because I'm your wife. I know deep down that you don't care about me. I've made peace with myself, accepting the fact that you'll never look at me the way that I look at you." I took another bite. The steak felt like a rock in my throat.

"One thing that I noticed about you is that you always care about me when there's another man involved. First, it was Ren and then Robin. You never cared about me when there's no one involved. I'm pretty sure you see me as one of your properties." I added as I put my knife and fork down.

"I'm tired, Liam, and I'm not happy. I've been loving you for years, and I've tried to... never mind. I'll send you the divorce paper once we return to New York." He stayed silent. He kept eating his steak like I didn't just say I wanted a divorce now.

Liam Hastington

We have an unwritten rule within the Ravens that work has to come first.

After Rocky told me about Alyssa's whereabouts, I finished my work quickly. I told Dean about my situation, and he advised me to quit my job and go to Vegas.

I had never ditched on work with the Ravens before, and Alyssa made me want to ditch immediately. I usually never took a day off from the hospital, yet I've taken a lot of days off because of her. I've tried my best to be someone she wanted me to be.

Alyssa has always wanted love, like any other person. She wanted a sweet love, and I couldn't give her any. All of my emotions died long before I met her.

Instead of going back to New York, I took her to Italy.

I have a house in Lake Como, where I usually go if I need time to clear my head. Alyssa was not happy, and she insisted that I take her back to New York because she wanted a divorce.

"Liam, I'm pretty sure you want us to divorce. Let's go back to New York and be done with it." I ignored her and walked out to the backyard. Alyssa followed me, and she gasped, seeing the beautiful view.

I don't know why I'm stalling.

I should have gone to New York, where I could sign the divorce paper and get rid of Alyssa, but somehow, I still want to enjoy her company. I still want her to be around.

We still have seventeen days left before our official agreement.

"You own this house?" She asked as she looked around.


"Someone is having a wedding here!" She pointed out and stood beside me. We both were looking at the happy couple who just shared their first kiss as husband and wife. I turned to Alyssa, and her eyes were stuck on them.

"They look so happy." Her hands turned into a fist, digging her nails into her skin.

"You better sign those papers once we get to New York." With that, she walked away.

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