Chapter 36 - Confession

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Alyssa Takada

I'm enjoying dinner a little too much, and I'm also loving the couple. They're fun to be with and very chill. Liam paid for the dinner, and I thanked the couple for recommending the restaurant.

"Let's go to the bar now! I'm so excited..." I said as I grabbed Sally's hand.

"We're going somewhere else," Liam said, and I shook my head.

"You can go there alone. I'm in the mood for some alcohol." I walked away with Sally and let her lead us to the bar. When I turned my head to see if Liam and Tony were following us, they did.

Tony was telling Liam about something, and Liam was glaring at him hard. Sally chuckled and started patting my hand.

"You're in love with him, huh?"

"I've been in love with him for eleven years. It makes me feel like an idiot." I sighed, and she shook her head.

"There's no such thing as love making you feel like an idiot. You're in love. There's nothing wrong with that." I smiled at her. We walked into the bar and sat on the table beside the beautiful lake.

Liam sat beside me, and I decided to take a picture of us. I wanted to be able to remember Sally and Tony. They're a very fun person to be with. I even exchanged my number with Sally.

"How many kids do you have?" I asked Sally curiously.

"I have three boys. My youngest one is your age!"

"Really?" She pulled her phone out and showed me their family photos. I chuckled, seeing how their sons hugged her like a teddy bear.

"Wesley, Petterson, and River." She pointed out.

"River is your age. We can introduce him to you, and he's a vet."

"A vet? That's so cool."

"He's the one who told me about the pet expo. I can introduce you to him next month." Sally said excitedly, and I nodded. We ordered some drinks, and I turned to Liam, who was looking at the lake.

"How long are you two planning to stay here?" Tony asked.

"We don't know," Liam answered.

"My sons are coming tomorrow. We're celebrating Tony's birthday in two days together. You two should join us!"

"We have plans," Liam said, and I didn't even bother to say anything. Liam has been acting weird, and he's more annoying than usual. My eyes landed on the couple's wedding rings, and I looked at my ring finger.

"I'm going to use the restroom." I excused myself.

Liam Hastington

"No wonder she wants to divorce you. You should be awarded for the worst husband in the century." Sally hissed at me, and I drank my tequila shot like it was water. Tony shook his head.

"When you two were gone, she never stopped bragging to me about you. She said how good of a surgeon you are and how you always want to succeed. She even apologized in advance if you end up ruining the moment." I turned my attention away from them.

I ordered a bottle of tequila and started drinking like there was no tomorrow.

"You ordered tequila?" Alyssa asked as she sat down.

"He's eating his feelings," Tony said as he looked away to the lake. Alyssa chuckled, "Yeah, right. Liam doesn't have one." I ignored her statement and drank more shots.

I was busy drowning myself with alcohol and made Tony drink as much as I could. I could hear Alyssa talking about a lot of things. Sally asked her about her job and how fun it was. She told her that she worked in Paris before. She was having fun.

"Fuck." The tequila bottle was empty, and Tony chuckled.

"You're fucking drunk." He's also drunk.

"Fuck you, Tony." I hissed, and I ordered another bottle. When the waiter came, Alyssa wrapped her hand around my arm, "I'm sorry, but we don't need more tequila. My husband is drunk." This is my first time hearing her calling me my husband.

"Repeat it..."

"Please take the tequila away." She smiled at the waiter, and I grabbed her cheeks.

"Repeat it..."

"You're drunk." She raised her eyebrows.

"Wrong words. Rewind..." I yelled.

"You're not making any sense, Liam."

"Why am I not making any sense, Aeri?"

"Don't call me that."

"Why not? That's your real name!"

"You don't have the right to call me that!" I glared at her and slowly sat up straight.

"Listen, Mrs.Hastington, I have the right to do so because I'm your fucking husband! I AM YOUR HUSBAND!" I shouted, and Alyssa put her hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"You're disturbing other people!" She hissed as she looked around with an apologetic look. I pushed her hand away and looked at her.

"Stop caring about other people..." I put my elbow on the table, leaning my head on my hand and looking at my wife. "You don't get to ruin my life and walk away as if you never ruined it." I pointed at her and sighed.

"I usually have the patience, you know. I don't have it anymore. I want to fucking kill e—"

"That's enough." Alyssa cut me, and she grabbed my arm, wrapped it around my shoulder, and helped me get up.

"Tony, Sally. We'll go back first, and please take care of yourself. I'll text you tomorrow." Alyssa told the couple, and I turned to her. Alyssa called the waiter to put all of the bills on my tab.

"You're not contacting them anymore," I said as she brought me out of the bar. Alyssa called a cab, and we went back to the villa. She told one of our staff that my car was still there.

I plopped on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

When I could feel someone taking off my shoes, I looked down to see Alyssa pulling my socks. She grabbed a glass of water and gave it to me. She forced me to drink, and my eyes were glued to her.

"I got rid of them." I closed my eyes, "You don't have to worry anymore."

"Got rid of who?"

"The two people who kidnapped and stalked you in Paris. I'm currently torturing them and planning to kill them once we go back to New York."

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