Chapter 23 - Other

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Liam Hastington

One thing about The Ravens is that we don't believe in second chances.

Once you enter the headquarters prisoner, there's no way you'll make it out alive. Mess with us. We'll torture you until you can't take it anymore.

We usually don't let people die quickly. We torture them, nurse them to health, just to torture them again. I walked into the torture room, where two men were already tied to the walls with chains on both of their wrists and ankles.

They're screaming and trying to talk to me in French, which I don't even listen to. I gestured for Rocky to press the button, which would stretch their bodies, making them look like starfishes.

I grabbed a knife and walked towards the first person. He's screaming at me, begging for mercy. He apologized multiple times even though he didn't know why he was there. I cut his pants, leaving him half-naked. I cut the tip of his dick, and he screamed bloody murder. He even cried.

I grabbed it from the floor as blood dripped. I showed it to him, and Rocky brought in a glass of acrylic with some resin.

"You have a thing for reserving things, right?" I asked, and he screamed. I put the tip of his dick in the acrylic and poured some resin in. I walked to him, cut a thin slice, and put it in the resin.

"You're going to watch it dry." I pointed and walked to the second person. He tried to fight as I cut his pants, which caused him to have cuts on his thigh. He screamed, begging for forgiveness, and I missed one of his balls slowly so he could feel the pain.

Blood dripped down to my clothes, but I couldn't care less.

Rocky brought the second table with acrylic and resin. I showed the second man his first ball that I cut and laughed. I dangled it in front of him and walked to put his ball in the acrylic box.

I wiped the knife and looked at the both of them.

"Do you remember the woman you kidnapped? You both planned to make her your doll or mannequin, right?" I asked, and they both nodded desperately.

"She's my wife." I put my knife down. "Here's what I'm going to do with the two of you." I walked closer to them.

"I'm going to cut every part of your body and put all of it in resin. I'll make you watch as it dries up, like what you were planning to do with my wife." They both screamed so hard that the second one snapped his vocal chords.

"I'll make sure to make it so painful." With that, I left the torture room.

"I'll be back in two hours. I need to check on Alyssa." I told Rocky, and he gave me a thumbs up.

I went back to my apartment, and she was still sleeping. I gave Riri and Lili some snacks and decided to shower cold. When I walked out of the bathroom, I heard her phone vibrating non-stop.

It's Robin.

Robin: Did you get home safely?
Robin: I'm worried.
Robin: Is Liam your husband? Not right?
Robin: You don't have a wedding ring on your finger. I'm assuming it's an arranged marriage between the two of you.
Robin: Let's meet up for dinner today. Reina is worried about you, and she cried earlier.
Robin: Text me your address. I'll pick you up at six.

I deleted all the text messages and blocked his number. Not only Robin but I stopped Ren's number also.

I walked out and made some French toast. I was busy cooking when I heard a loud thud. I ran into the room, and Alyssa fell from the bed. When she saw me, she quickly got up.

"I'm fine."

"Go freshen up." I gestured for her to take a shower, and she nodded. She yawned before walking into the bathroom. I walked out and continued to make the French toast. After ten minutes, Alyssa walked out of the room, yawning.

"How did I get home?" She asked, completely clueless about what happened yesterday.

"I picked you up."


"Eat up." She walked towards me and sat down. I put a plate full of French toast in front of her. I gave her a knife and a fork, along with the maple syrup.

"Thank you. This looks so good." She yawned again.

"I'm going to Taipei next week, and there's a med expo I want to check out." She cut through her first bread and looked up at me.

"Okay. How long?"

"Do you want to come along?" She choked on her bread and started coughing. I gave her a glass of milk, and she drank it quickly.

"You want me to go with you?" She asked as if she had heard it wrong.


"Really?" She looked at me, trying to see if I was lying.


"Okay then." She smiled.

Now I know that behind her smile, she was hiding her real feelings from me. She wanted me to love her as much as she loves me, but I can't give her that. I've lost that emotion since I was a kid. There's no such thing as love in my dictionary.

I tolerate Alyssa.

After living with her for a month, everything became more accessible. I knew her well enough to stay another month.

"Did I do something stupid last night?" She asked curiously.


"I don't believe you. I usually have a bad... attitude when I'm drunk." She took another bite and turned to me.

"Robin was very protective of you and refused to let you go with me," I said, and she nodded. "I told her I'm your husband, and he let you go."

"Robin has always been like that." She ignored the fact that I told Robin that I was her husband.

"It's pretty clear that he's in love with you." She stopped chewing.

"He doesn't. He cares for me, that's all." I walked into our bedroom and grabbed a new vibrator since the last one was taken out after she got into her accident. I walked out and forced her to stand up.

"Liam." She warned, and I ignored her. I pulled her pants and panties down. I forced her to put the toy in her mouth, giving it a lube. I pulled it out and slipped it inside her pussy. She moaned and held onto my shoulder.

"You're coming with me to work today."

"It's Sunday." She moaned as I teased her clit.

"Yesterday, you've been a very bad girl, and this is your punishment for spending your weekend with another man other than your husband."

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