Chapter 48 - I Will

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Liam Hastington

After I confessed to Alyssa, she banned me from entering her office and sent me a letter from the government that they were kicking me out of the country.

I couldn't care less, and I'm staying whether she likes it. I'm not going back to New York without her.

I sat outside of her office, bringing her flowers for breakfast, lunch, desserts, dinner, and all the things that she likes. She returned every one of them and ignored my presence when she entered and left the office.

I understand she's mad, and if I were her, I wouldn't forgive me either.

"Good morning, Alyssa." I stopped her and gave her a bouquet of red roses. She walked past me and ignored my presence. Her secretary looked at me with pity, and I gave her Alyssa's breakfast.

"It's going to rain soon. I hope you can go back to your hotel and come back again later." She pointed at the gloomy sky.

"I'll be fine."

Not long after that, it rains. I was soaked in rain, but I couldn't care less. If I have to wait for her like this all year long, I'll do it. I won't go back to New York without her. I'll even move to Tokyo if I have to.

As predicted, Alyssa doesn't care.

I waited for her for almost a month. I greeted her daily and brought her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I got her flowers and tried to talk to her as much as possible. If she ended up saying a word, it would make my whole fucking day.

I realized I would rather wait for her like this than be a fool in New York. I was lonely, and the thought of not seeing her again made me crazy.

"Good morning..." I stood before her, and she looked at me, annoyed.

"You should leave. I won't go back to you." I shook my head.

"I won't go back to New York without you. I'll wait for you until you give me a chance." She sighed and walked past me.

Alyssa Takada

"How long will he stay there like an idiot?" I asked my mother, who just got into my office.

"I don't know, but he looks determined." Mom said as she was sipping her coffee. I shook my head and turned my body around.

"You still love him, do you?"

"No." I closed my eyes as I sat down. I'm having a bad headache these days, and last night, I had a mini panic attack. I had to take a cold shower to prevent myself from going into the hell hole.

"He talked to me after you were hospitalized."

"What did he say?" I opened a file to check what's in it.

"He was sorry. He apologized to me and your dad for not protecting you well. Your dad asked if he loves you, but he said he's still figuring out things. He swore not to let anything bad happen to you again."

"He killed them."

"He what?" I turned to my mom, and her eyes widened.

"He killed the two men who hurt me in Paris." Mom was shocked. "His company is more powerful than the government, which explains why he's still here. He killed them for me and got away with it."

"Oh God..."

"He said he wanted to slaughter my demons. He hates seeing me having panic attacks and told me that what happened wasn't my fault." I looked out the window, and it was starting to rain again. I got up and looked down to see Liam putting his arms out, touching the rain.

"He's been staying there for almost a month. He looked like he was going to faint, Aeri." Mom said in a sad tone. Some of my employees walked out to get lunch, and when they saw him, they pointed at his face. They immediately gave him some tissues.

"You should go check on him." I walked out of my office and went down to the lobby, where I saw him stuffing tissue to his nose. He had a nosebleed, and he leaned his body against the glass door.

I walked out, and he was closing his eyes, so he had zero idea that I was standing in front of him.

"Go back to New York." He opened his eyes, quickly removed the tissue, and hid it.


"You're stubborn, aren't you?"


"You need to give up. I'm not going back to New York with you." His nose started to bleed again, and I let out a long sigh. My eyes began to water, and I was on the edge of breaking down before him.

"I've had enough, Liam. I've had enough of you being like this."

"Alyssa, please..." I walked back inside and grabbed a tissue from the toilet. When I walked towards him, he was currently calling someone. I decided to eavesdrop by standing behind the door.

"I'm not going back to New York anytime soon. Yeah, I'm trying to fix my marriage. I fucked up, big time. I quit the hospital, and I think I will focus on the Ravens full-time if my wife gives me a chance. If she doesn't, I will move to Tokyo for a few years." He let out a long sigh.

"If A hates me for it, so be it. I'm pretty sure Rocky is happier when he's working with Luke, so let him be. I suggest you not sign the divorce paper, Blake. I'm dying inside, regretting everything." Liam runs through his hair, and there's a long silence.

"It's too late. I realized my feelings too late." He leaned his body to the glass door again, and I walked out. Liam instantly ended the call, and I gave him some tissues.


"Liam, please just go back to New York," I begged, and he shook his head.

"I have no reason to go back there. You're here. Why would I be over there?"

"You're wasting your time here."

"I won't return unless you're coming with me, Alyssa. I plan to move here next month to get closer to you." Jesus.


"I'm sorry, but I'm very desperate. I want you back, and I promise it'll be different this time. Please give me a chance to prove it to you." I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"Bring me an essay on why I should give you a chance by tomorrow morning. I want you to go back to your hotel and rest. If you don't bother to listen to me, I wo—"

"I will." He smiled, and I gestured for him to go.

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