Chapter eight

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Trying my best not to lose hope with this story but with all the hockey romances I've been reading, I'm seriously being tested....

Pollie Ashford's POV

Fire. My skin was on fire.

"What're you doing?" I asked whilst jerking my foot away from Romeos grasp.

"Stella." He deadpanned up to me as he knelt in front of my chair. "Just let me look."

And even though I wanted to put up more of a fight. I simply couldn't. He had me paralysed to his touch, drowning the world out as his skin connected with mine.

Romeo went on to unbuckle my heel, removing my shoe before ever so gently lifting it for a better angle. His brows were scrunched together as I peered down to the surprisingly big swelling now on my heel area.

"And how did this happen did you say?" He continued to examine me as he spoke. I wanted nothing more than to answer indifferently but I was having major issues in getting my hormones under control.


Romeos blue irises meet mine as his thumb begins stroking circles on a small patch of skin. "Right." He said in a tone which suggested he struggled to believe my answer. "How bad is the pain on a scale of 1-10?"

"Erm, about a five I guess." I'd say more of a eight but I'm not about to make a big deal out of nothing.

"In that case I'm sending you home early." I watched as he reached for my heel.

"What? No. I'm not leaving, it's only two, I've still got three hours as yet."

I stared at him defiantly, not giving in before he eventually shook his head. "Fine. But in that case you're working in here for the rest of the day."

I went to oppose but he silenced me. "No arguments Stella, otherwise you will be going home whether you like it or not." I thought he was going my to put my heel back on for me, but instead he carefully set my injured foot down and reached for the other one.

"What're you doing?" I asked as he removed my second heel.

"Health and safety hazard. Too much paperwork." I would've rolled my eyes at him if it wasn't for the fact that a heated sensation rushed through me when he gently yet purposefully ran his fingers up the insides of my legs.

I swallowed hard as he had the audacity to smirk and walk away.

What the fuck just happened.


"Fuck, is that the time?" Romeo ran his hand over his forehead, lightly pushing up the strands of hair that complimented his features.

"Oh shit." I mused when I checked my phone. 18:02. I was so wrapped up in the new workload I'd been assigned that I didn't realised I'd gone an hour past my usual hours. And the sad part within me was ashamed to admit that I was having fun with it all.

I returned to finishing up my section as the background noise of papers ruffling sounded.

Next thing I knew, the lights went out, leaving only a lamp on Romeos desk on. I'd been working at a coffee table on the other side of his room.

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