Mattheo Riddle ~ Back to the Old House

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Back to the Old House - The Smith's

You, and 'the' Slytherin group sat in the common room in a circle.

You zoned out as you put your earbuds in and played your music at full volume.

You watched Mattheo in front of you fidget with his music player. You saw his face grow with quiet anger as he continued to fumble with the player.

Finally he gave up and you could see him groan even though you couldn't hear.

"And you never knew, how much I really liked you." The Smith's played in your headphones as you realized Mattheo was looking at you.

He got up and came to sit by you; making you pull a headphone out.

"The Smith's?" He asked.

"How'd you know?"

"I can hear the guitar through your headphones." He answered as he pointed to your visible ear.

You smiled as you offered him an earbud. "Want to listen? They're a great band."

"I love The Smith's." He responded.

You looked at him as you felt a red blush sepe through to your cheeks as you smiled.

He smiled back at you.

You knew this was just the beginning.

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