Draco Malfoy ~ Right Where You Left Me

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Right Where You Left Me - Taylor Swift

My throat ran dry and my heart hammered so hard that I could see my chest moving up and down, up and down. I heard my blood flowing through my veins and my hands beginning to shake as my friend told me the news.

"He came back."

After the war at Hogwarts Draco and his family disappeared without a trace for two years.

Everybody moved on, but me. I still thought about him everyday. He flooded my mind when I woke up and right as I fell asleep.

I was now attending a Wizardry college, earning my master's to teach. It was only the beginning of my second year but I knew what I wanted.

No boy to distract me, no noseless worthless thing to try to kill me, just me and my amazing friends.

Until now.

My stomach flooded with relief as I realized he would probably not be attending college.

With my luck though, I was wrong.

As I was walking with my friend who just shared the news with me I wasn't paying attention to who was near me until she told me to move, it was too late as I was hit with something hard.

Standing in front of me was Draco Malfoy.

"Y/n." He breathed out.


I should've been filled with sadness but all that consumed me was wonderous joy.

"Draco." I said again more as a whisper.

Then my body fell into his. I hugged him to hard that my vision grew dark. I closed my eyes and savoured his touch. His touch that I haven't been able to feel for two years.

"Draco, Draco, Draco." I wanted to say his name a million times. Feel his name on my tongue for an eternity.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n." He repeated as he hugged me back finally.

I heard my friend's heels click away, leaving me and Draco alone.

"I thought you were gone—" I paused to let the words sink in. I swear you could hear a pin drop from the silence.

"I know and I'm so, so sorry, my love. I'm here now." His voice was muffled from my hair.

He still looked the same. At first I thought he would look like a ghost since that's what my mind thought of him as. But no, he's still the same boy I loved before.

"I'm here forever, it's going to be you and me for now on. No one else. Even if you aren't ready, I will wait for you." He announced.

I smiled against his words.

"I'm right where you left me."

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