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Lady Libra's chambers are at the farthest corner of the East wing. The furthest away from the Southern one as well I realise when I recognise the familiar stained window at the opposite of us.

"Welcome, Princess!"The fawn beams politely as soon as I dismiss Eleanor. Looking around her room, I take in the baby blue curtains fluttering gently with a soft passing breeze. The glass vase holding a garnished bouquet of irises that are at the climax of bloom. The royal carpet soft under my flats is imbedded with never-ending emblems.

"Blue makes me feel at ease, besides, Liam says it's my colour."She answers my unspoken remark.

"You don't say?" I ask with faked disbelief. Unlike her, I don't hold the shade of the sky at day's peak particularly close to heart. What other purpose could it have, if not reminding me of the freedom I could never rejoice within my grasp. The entire room is oppressing me from every side and weighs heavy on my shoulders, to which I consciously stiffen. Waiting for her to take her seat next to me on the sofa that blends finely with its environment, my gaze wanders away from her delicacy in doing something so simple as serving tea, to the pair of male shoes neatly placed next to hers.

"You share your chambers with Sir Aries." I state more than ask when she hands me the steaming cup of mint tea, and takes a seat close to me. Again, a blush I cannot understand creeps up her neck and cheeks. Even with Dahlia, I could count on one hand the occasions to which I blushed. I wonder what must be going on in that vulnerable heart of hers for a simple question to make her react in such manner.

"No, he just likes to come over often. But we decided to wait until after marriage to live together."

I gently place my cup down on the saucer, a frown setting upon my eyebrows as I sink deep in thoughts.

"But, you have already bounded." I say as a matter of fact. As much as she wriggles under my stare, I don't look away and take in every signal her body is sending me unintentionally. When I call her out, she fidgets with her fingers. When I make her uncomfortable, she bites her lip. And when she doesn't know how to answer, she avoids the situation by rapidly taking a piece of the sweets displayed on the coffee table at out knees.

"Bounded, you say?" she takes a long sip of her drink.

"You had intercourse. Sex."

I tilt my head in confusion when she spits out part of the tea, staining her gown. Did I say something inappropriate? Or perhaps I was too upfront?


"You already slept together. If I may ask, what would be the difference between waiting until marriage to live together and living together now, since he even has his own part of the bed." I continue pointing at the nightstand at the right side of the bed where a pair of leather gloves and worn-out journal lay. She takes a minute to recollect herself, before her eyes turn downwards, hiding them behind her blond lashes.

"We want to make sure we're ready for that step before taking it." I don't miss out on the hint of sadness in her tone, and place my hand on her reassuringly. Just like I've seen Nanny do often when a maid would shed tears like these.

"I understand,"I don't, "Anyways." I try as way to change the topic.

"I was told you wished to see me to discuss my departure. I'm a bit confused to be honest. Why want to see me now, when I still have a week?"

"Oh, yes of course!" All traces of dejection evaporated into thin air.

"I actually wanted to help you chose your outfit!"

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