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 "I could never forget." I say more silently, shuddering slightly at the blurry stain in my memory that somehow knows to make me lose footing of that that's happening around me at the present.

"It's unpleasant, don't you think? For us to be here." I don't look away from the new couple that has set foot on the dance floor, leaving everyone to an expecting silence as Jonathan and the daughter of the Silver Scale Lord put their hands in classical dance formation. Their movements slow and easy at first yet people applaud them as if they mastered the key to the universe. 

I spot Esmée conversing with the others, and I'm tempted to walk up to them. Behind the cloud of spectators, at the far opposite of the hall, Eliza finally gave in to the sexual tension she and Dhalia were sizzling with their stares, being anything but subtle in her lust for the woman as they're too immersed in their conversation to notices the odd looks they get from those around them.


"It makes me think about images I'd rather not see for myself. It gives me hope for a future, a tomorrow in which maybe...just maybe I could find happiness too," I murmur to no one but myself, the envy at seeing Eliza and Damien chasing the callings of their hearts resurfacing when I realise once again that my heart hasn't truly felt in far too long. It brings back the fear that maybe I'll never be a normal person again capable of emotions. Because once I submit to the realisation, then I'll truly be a monster.

"Such a victimised words,"his deep voice chuckles, although I sense the sadness in his letters, making me arch my neck towards him,"Why don't you seek for that happiness yourself instead of waiting for it? It's so unlike you to remain passive to fate." We look at each other for another minute, simply inspecting our features.

What is it about us that people call so hideous?

"For someone like me, it's far too late to search for things so far away. I decided that what truly is meant for me, will find me."

The sight must be odd to others, but I can't find it in me to care one bit for it. I'm not certain that he knows his Concealing Spell is wearing off, the paleness of his skin becoming more prominent as is the dark of his lips. Or perhaps he doesn't care for it at all, since he's a person like that. Finally he looks away, at the angel silently watching over us.

"Oh, Precious, don't you want to know how envious I would be, to get a taste of this sweet illusion people recall as happiness." The musical tone at which he speaks gives me a surge of confidence.

I move to stand in front of him, the velvet material of my tight dress fluttering against the floor with me, and I put my hand out for him to take. His expression asks for an explanation when seeing my smile, and I don't have to see my reflection to know that my dimple is showing.

"What are you planning?"

He finally places his hand in mine, and I recognise the smile from his voice when he asks me.

"I've heard that dancing has a way of giving people a taste of joy, I wish to try it out." By now, other couples have joined Jonathan and his fiancée on the dance floor, so our presence manages to go unnoticed for the most part.

"And you want to test your little theory with me?" He asks with a humourless chuckle, the hesitation clear in his moonlit eyes.

"Whom else should I do it with, If not you?" I ask, aching to understand my own insecurity when it comes to this...whatever this may be. His mouth slightly remains agape as we slowly make our way between the garmented bodies, and I halt at the border of the dance floor, not wanting to risk the attention to be directed to us rather than the main couple of the night.

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