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Generally, the entire thing was going well, aside from the blatantly obvious insulting comments coming from Jay sometimes, it was all fun.

Most of them had left to go to the dancefloor, having a drunken good time, but unfortunately for me, since I was driving, I had to resort to sobriety.

Jay was sat opposite me, on his phone, as was I. It was really awkward, just being sat in front of him, I wish I could throw a fork in his face, but I guess I'd save it for another day.

He suddenly broke the silence between us.

"So, where exactly do you work, Miss Surgeon." His words came out rather bitter. His eyes glared at me, and I just stared at face, cursing the world for giving such an asshole of a man, such a good face.

"If you must know, Seoul National University Hospital." I put my phone back into the purse, looking up at him and not avoiding any eye contact.

As if I'd back down from this eye contact with this guy, I'm not a pussy, I'll beat his ass if I have to.

"Hm. A good hospital too. Seems like you're doing pretty well for yourself." He hummed, so definitely salty that my life ended up good.

"What about you?" I inquired, returning his question.

"Mmm, I have my own clinic, and I'm first in line to my father's company." Jay, of course had to mention about his father's company.

"I see you are in fact, leeching off your father. I was right, wasn't I?" I chuckled, feeling so proud of myself.

He gave a scoff, followed by a small smirk. He looked to the side for a short second, then proceeded to look me back in the eyes.

"I see you also still hold that grudge from years ago, you know, when I got a higher score than you for medicine placements." Jay brought up, and I just let out a groan, I can't believe he had remembered that.

"What, you're proud of your score that was a singular point higher than mine? That's pretty pathetic of you. I guess people don't change that much." I gave a smirk, seeing his face was just amusing to me.

"3456, I bet when you hear people counting up to ten, that combination of number haunts you." Jay gave a smug grin, still going on with himself about this number.

"I don't even think about it. I wouldn't think about you even if someone paid me to." I retort, knowing that it was pretty much a lie, I did occasionally wonder how he was doing, but now that I see him, I can see he's doing just fine and I wasted a good five minutes of a few days, wondering how he was doing.

"Aw, what, are you still mad? Awww, it's okay sweetheart." His voice sounded the exact same as it did on the day of our results, he even used the same pet name, which I hated with a passion.

Whenever somebody would call me sweetheart, regardless if it was an elderly person, or a relative, I'd literally feel the urge to throw up.

"I can one hundred percent see why none of your girlfriends stayed." I stood up, rolling my eyes, and about to head to the dancefloor with the others.

"Likewise." He had to reply, clearly, we couldn't be civil.

And although I hated him, I was pretty glad to see him. I knew I'd regret even thinking that sooner or later.

I joined my friends on the dancefloor, acting like complete morons, and I fit in just right with them, completely having the time of my life even though I wasn't drinking.

It'd be more fun if I was drunk, because when you have drunk, all your morals completely strip down to nothing and you become less shy.

The music blasted, and instead of the orchestra, it was just energetic, dance-y songs, ones that just screamed peak summer days, ones that reminded me of high school in the summer where the sun shone brighter than anything, and the sky was always a captivating blue.

The vibes were immaculate in those days, and if I could go back in time, I'd ensure I'd enjoy it a little more, the air was always sweet and the wind was like a gentle, warm kiss, everything about that era was amazing, and this party just sort of brought that vibe back.

We were all messing around on the dancefloor, dancing with complete strangers, laughing and having such a good time, and I even noticed that Jay joined onto the dancefloor, clearly, being without me bored him.

Yeah, I have that kind of effect. Nonetheless, I tried to enjoy my time without thinking about that idiot.

"SOMEBODY HELP!! HELP ME!!!!!" A voice yelled with such desperacy, people stopped dancing, looking around for the voice that was screaming. 

park.jongseong → the girlfriend actΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα