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Finally, the reason why we initially came here, appeared from the corner. The day of Eunhye and Seokhoon officially getting together.

It was early as fuck in the morning, but we had so much to do, Eunhye and Seokhoon disappeared before us all, probably getting the venue ready, and importantly, themselves ready.

That left me with Go-eun and Mirae, the three of us shared a room, our other friends in another, and Jay with Seokhoon and Inguk opposite our room.

"I'm so excited, I actually cannot wait." Go-eun began her makeup first as I started with my outfit.

It was such a pretty dress, the colour scheme was a lilac purple, so the dresses we had were the cutest shade of lilac, and don't even get me started on how cute the dresses themselves were - mine especially.

We all had different dresses, but same exact colour, so it was cute seeing everybody in their specifically designed dresses.

I put the dress on, admiring myself in the mirror even though it wasn't fully zipped up. The girls were busy themselves, so I'd just have to ask them to zip it up after we finished.

I loved it.

It was better than any dress I have ever worn previously. This dress, was the epitome of beauty. And me? I loved the way I looked in it.

I didn't even have my hair ready, or makeup for that fact, but I felt as if I could just turn up like this and it'd be fine.

But no, I was excited to do my hair and makeup too, so shortly afterwards, I began working on that.


The three of us were ready after a long hour and half of preparing and getting ready. I was one of the last ones ready.

"We'll wait for you down at the lobby!!" Go-eun spoke, holding the door open, fully glammed up in her dress and everything.

The girls looked cute, I didn't see any of the guys yet, but I bet I knew a certain person would definitely look good in his outfit.

The two walked out of the room, leaving me just alone finishing off my appearance. Flawless, was to say the least.

Wow, I need to find more people who are getting married, because being a bridesmaid is honestly one of a kind experience.

I finally had finished, and standing up, revealing my whole self, I was astonished to even see my own self. I loved it, I loved how I looked.

Everything was just so beautiful.

I turned around, trying to look at myself from behind. And upon doing so, I realised that I completely forgot to ask the girls to zip the back of my dress up.

I attempted, foolishly, to try and do it myself, but unfortunately - and although I was a surgeon, my hands and fingers should probably be flexible enough to do so - I couldn't quite zip it up fully to the top.

Looks like I'd have to ask them at the lobby.

Without a second thought, I opened the door, ready to go with a small smile. But at the same time as I opened my door, the room opposite me opened theirs, revealing Jay, his fine ass blonde hair, in a fine ass suit, with his fine ass face.

We stared at each other, his eyes darting from my face, to my dress and everything.

I swallowed hard, looking away from him and walking down the corridor, trying to get away as further as possible from him.

"Sarang." He called out my name softly, and with no other choice. I spun around, staring at him, unamused.

"What now." I harshly asked him, folding my arms as he admired my face once more.

He slowly approached me, with a walk that signified pure confidence and wealth - he knew he was the shit. And as much as I 'hated' his cocky little attitude, I kind of have to admit, it's lowkey hot.

Jay was close to me, and he came up from behind me, his unexpectedly cold hands touching my back. He was doing up my zipper for me.

My breath hitched slightly, the contact of his icy hands against my warm back. He zipped the dress up, his fingers trailing faintly down my figure before retracting them - unnecessary - but he's hot so I forgive him.

I spun gently around, to look at him. Another rather tense and intimate moment of eye contact shared between us.

"Would you just listen to me?" His voice had a hint of plead in it, and looking upon his goddamn irresistible face, I couldn't make the decision not to.

"Make it quick." I tried my best to sound harsh, but instead, it just came out as a sigh.

"Alright - you were right. Okay? You're fucking right. I got that stupid clinic, and you know what? I don't feel any better now that I have it. I wake up and I just feel like something is missing from my life." He began, and I swallowed hard, my heart beating out of my chest, "I'm entitled, I'm a stuck-up narcissist, but seriously Sarang, I can't stop thinking about you."

I bit the inside of my cheek lightly, trying to stop myself from giving the world's widest grin.

"I know I've made your life a living hell, shit, now that I think about it, I'm not surprised you hate me so much. But, the days pass slow as hell when I'm not teasing the fuck out of you - or laughing at you, fuck, even not seeing you Sarang." Jay was literally confessing his love for me in this moment.

I simply looked down, my smile refusing to hide at this point.

"You know, a simple 'sorry' would've done it, but I guess this is okay too." I smiled at him as he gave a chuckle.

He gave a heavy inhale, looking down for a moment, and then back up at me.

"Sarang, I know I said I hated you the most in the world, but I think I love you." Jay finally confessed, we were in the middle of a corridor in a hotel, I was in my bridesmaids outfit, and he was in his outfit.

What a place of confession.

"You know what, as much as I hate to admit it," I looked at his tie, a little wonky. I placed my hands on his chest, gently moving them up to his tie and fixing it, I looked up at his face, he stared down back at me, "I think I have too." I whispered with a smile.

His hands situated onto my waist, and without even second thought, he kissed me. A whole, passionate and endearing kiss.

It was the highlight of my day, like damn. It's not everyday you get to kiss a whole smokeshow.

We pulled apart from each other, I could one hundred percent bet on anything right now, that my cheeks were a fiery red.

"We should probably get down to the lobby." I chuckled, flustered as he held a smile on his face, nodding his head in agreeal.

So, with that, we made our way to the lobby, the rest of the girls and the guys waiting for us. Jay went to talk with Inguk, as I casually walked up to Go-eun.

Go-eun looked at me, widening her eyes.

"Oh my god!! Your lips are smudged, here, let me fix it for you." Go-eun suddenly pulled out a pocket mirror, grabbing her lip makeup tools and fixing my lips for me.

In the back, I watched as Jay glanced over at me, giving a smirk before looking back at Inguk, who was talking.


i love this fic so fucking much LMAO

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