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I managed to calm myself over the past few days, I tried my best to not think of Jay. Yes, It was killing me, I didn't see him for a few days, and it was weird, because I would've expected his ass around me at least every day.

But nothing, my life was back to what it used to be.

It was the departure of the flight to Italy today, the wedding was in two days, and I was beyond excited.

Though, a little heavy feeling stuck with me, I know Jay was coming, and I know it will be so awkward, even though we were with other friends too, I could already see how it'll play out.

I was ready to leave, and in fact, I was leaving soon. But I sat on my sofa before leaving, watching the tv as the news came on.

"And now upcoming! Mr Park, a wealthy conglomerate who owns the famous Park Clinic in Seoul, has transferred ownership to his son, Jay Park, a skilled surgeon who's swooned hearts of many." The reporter said, followed by a clip of Jay, cameras flashing and microphones up at him.

"Due to a fatal accident Mr Park had suffered earlier this year, he had made the decision to hand over the clinic to his only successful son, Jay. We wish the best for him and his new clinic!" The news reporter smiled as I rolled my eyes, switching the screen off and dragging my luggage out of my place.

And I called it didn't I? Even without this fucking girlfriend bullshit, he still managed to inherit his father's clinic.

It was such a stupid theory anyways, his father wouldn't give him the clinic solely because he didn't have a relationship?

So what if he did? What the hell does that benefit with anyways??

I rolled my eyes, pure annoyance, he was a waste of my time and I still never got anything out of it except a further reason to hate that guy.


We were, mostly, all at the airport, just waiting on the last few people. Jay being one of them.

I hoped sincerely that he wouldn't be able to make it, and it'd be awww, such a shame that he couldn't come. But no, unfortunately he just had to come.

I glanced over, seeing a group of three guys - one being Jay - head towards us, towing their suitcases behind them.

"Jay!! Inguk!! Wonbin!!" Go-eun cheered, waving her arms frantically as they approached us.

I made a second of eye contact with Jay, he glanced over at me, a guilt-ridden look displayed on his face. Pettily, I looked away, yeah, boy, an apology won't cut it.

It was awkward, like I expected. I was silent, he was silent, and everybody else was talking.

"What's with you two being so silent?!! Come on!! Aren't you supposed to act like you're dating?" Eunhye laughed, the atmosphere between us tense.

I glared over at Eunhye, not cracking a smile as she read the room immediately.

"Ooh.. I guess not." She shuddered jokingly, the whole mood changing.

"Well, anyways.. Congrats on the clinic Jay!! Shit, I know how badly you wanted it." Inguk pat Jay on the back as everyone congratulated him and whatnot.

He was just staring at me, giving the occasional 'thank you' and light smile.

"For real! It's crazy, I remember when we were stupid high school kids. Now you have your own surgical clinic." Seokhoon joined in with a smile.

Everybody seemed to be having a good time aside from the two of us.


The plane boarding was also pretty awkward, thankfully, the world decided to be in my favour today, and not place Jay beside me.

We were sat in first class, of course, so even if Jay was sat beside me, there'd be a lot of space between us, and a whole wall and door - not to mention.

Still, his energy would ruin my mood completely, so I was glad to not have him being my neighbour in this long plane ride.

I tried to take my mind off him, but he just seemed to circle around there rent free, seriously, he would refuse to get out.

And around an hour or two in the flight, the door of my plane room opened, my head dart to who was there.

I groaned, rolling my eyes back and staring at my phone again.

"Let's talk, seriously." Jay sounded slightly desperate, stood at my door and looking down at me.

I ignored his presence, just staring at my phone, although I wasn't doing anything - because I couldn't - I was altitudes up the fucking sky.

"I don't have anything to say to you Jay." I still didn't look over at him, I was raised petty, so I'm gonna be petty when it comes to things like these.

"But I do." He shut the door behind him, now in my cabin.

Seriously, talk about obsessed.

park.jongseong → the girlfriend actWhere stories live. Discover now