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The venue was grand.

Grand to say the least. It was like the Palace of Versailles, huge towering ceilings, golden accents, everything so intricate and so beautiful.

Jay placed his hand under my jaw, and I looked at him wondering what the fuck he was doing.

"Uh?" I looked over at him, confused.

He retract his hand away with a chuckle.

"You're gonna start drooling, need to make sure you don't ruin your makeup." Jay simply told me, and I couldn't help but give a smile even though his words were so obviously teasing.

I don't know, maybe I was just losing my mind - but it was cute.

I linked my arm with his, and he turned his head to look down at me for a short second, a satisfied smile printed on his face as he began greeting people back.

Damn, he seemed pretty familiar with all the people in here.

Or people just knew him from his career, either way, every minute or so, there'd be a very brief conversation with someone.

We head towards our designated table, and I still couldn't get over how pretty this place was - no seriously, it was just amazing.

I couldn't describe it - that's how beautiful.

Eyes scattered towards me as we made our way closer. It was a smaller, more reserved table. It consisted of Jay's parents, some of their closest friends and children, and then Mr Son's family and of course - Hyojin, who despite knowing that this was a contract based relationship - was giving me a glare like none other.

"Sarang, you look.. mesmerising." Jay's mother stood up, approaching me gingerly with a soft, quick hug.

All eyes on the table, were currently on me. It was really awkward, and I felt so pressured right now.

"Seungheon, Mirae, this is my son, Jay, and his girlfriend, Sarang." Jay's father introduced his friends to us, and I gave a slight bow as Jay did the same.

We sat down beside each other, unfortunately, Jay was sat beside Hyojin too, and I could already see how this was going to play out.


And it did exactly the way I thought it would.

Over the course of the hour that I was sat here, Hyojin would non-stop bother Jay, laugh, talk, and so on with him. I couldn't even get a word in with him because of her, and truthfully, it bothered me so much that I wanted to leave.

But I couldn't. It was driving me crazy.

I had no idea where this recent jealousy over Jay was coming from - but one things for definite, I hated it the most. Feeling jealous was probably one of the worst feelings to ever reside in you, right beside embarrassment.

It was even worse - because I was jealous over someone I'm not allowed to be jealous over.

God this was going to give me bald patches in my hair soon enough, I couldn't even take my mind off it, because every five seconds I could just hear Hyo-jin and her squealing laugh.

"Ugh Jay! Stop, your tie is wonky, do you remember when I used to do it for you all the time when we were younger?" Hyo-jin put his hands on him, both of them, unnecessarily touching his chest at first, and then messing with his tie.

The thing was, his tie wasn't even remotely wonky, she just wanted an excuse to touch him.

And that was just my breaking point, I practiced too much calming breathing in my head already, that if I did anymore, I might just flip the table.

"Excuse me." I politely excused myself from the table, shifting away from my seat. While Hyo-jin was still messing with Jay's tie, Jay turned his head to look at me, watching me strut away with annoyance pulsating through my step.

I stood around in the front lobby, wondering what to do with myself. Could I just say that I have to go to the hospital because they need me for some surgery? I mean, it's a bit late, but it does seem believable-ish.

Or maybe I should just make a run for it and say I got kidnapped.

I groaned internally, just in a cloud of vexed thought. This girl was starting to irritate me, and I regret heavily that I ever told her that this was a contract relationship.

Amidst my thoughts, a figure approached me, his assertive aura immediately making itself known.

"Sarang, are you okay?" Jay asked, looking down at me with concern in his eyes, I looked up at him, and then at his tie.

Oh so now his tie was wonky.

Frustrated, I put my hands on his tie, fixing it quickly and ensuring that Hyo-jin wouldn't be able to use that fucking excuse again.

He watched as I angrily did so, letting a chuckle at my actions.

"Oh - you're jealous." He managed to deduce, which he wasn't exactly wrong - but still, wasn't going to admit it.

"I'm not fucking jealous Jay." I snapped back, taking him slightly aback with the attitude I had, "You say we're supposed to act like a couple, yet you're letting Hyo-jin have her hands all over you?"

He raised a brow in interest, a very small smirk curving onto the edge of his lips.

"So.. not jealous?.. Mkaayy.. then let's just say you're annoyed." He was beginning to frustrate me too.

"I'm going to fucking leave, I'm going home. Enjoy." I was about to spin around, heading for the exit, but Jay grabbed my wrist, not letting me leave.

This guy had a thing with grabbing my wrist and not letting me leave.

"Stop acting like this, come on, talk to me." Jay's voice was low yet with a hint of cockiness embedded into it.

I shook my arm off his grasp, folding my arms and glaring at him.

"You're going to us caught, you hear me? You want me to act all cute and girlfriend-y, where do you come into this? There's no point in me trying when Hyo-jin is being the perfect girl right there." I seemed to get a little carried away with my words, sounding so, very, extremely jealous.

I didn't notice it at the time.

"Then why aren't you saying anything? I don't want to bother you too much cause I already know how much you don't wanna be here, I'm trying to make it easy on you. You should say something if you're not happy with it - I'm down to change." Jay explained, his tone of voice carrying a bit of smugness and annoyance at the same time.

"Jesus fucking Christ, you're a surgeon and you can't infer when to act like my boyfriend? Are you blind or something??" I argued back with him, he just gave a sigh, looking to the side and then back at me.

He shot his head back to look at the side, and with widened eyes, he put his hands on my cheeks in a hurry, pulling me straight in for a kiss.


happy update guys!

very tired so prob no updates during saturday or sunday








update when i am not busy or absolutely exhausted

i love u all and appreciate that u love my works and want to keep reading - BUT i am so exhausted and i have so much to study (kms)

u guys r the cutest ever thank u for patience and understanding love u all see u next update!!


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