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"DR LEE! DR LEE, URGENT, MALE, 57 YEARS OLD, SUFFERED A FATAL CAR ACCIDENT." The paramedics carried in a man, on the spinal board through the emergency department.

"VITALS ARE DROPPING, LOSING BLOOD QUICKLY, WILL NEED A BLOOD TRANSFUSION AND IMMEDIATE SURGERY." The paramedics hurried him in to the operating room where I hurried and disinfected the area.

My colleagues ran in, ushering me out of the operating room and back into the emergency department, where another person was coming in, blood all over them.

"THE WIFE, SHE'S MORE STABLE, SHE DOESN'T NEED SURGERY BUT TESTS SHOULD BE RAN AND BLOOD TRANSFUSION WILL BE NEEDED." The paramedic explained as I nodded, I paged another doctor before heading into the operation room.

I cleaned my arms, hands and prepared for emergency surgery. The guy had a huge shard of glass punctured into his chest, deeply within his chest cavity.

He was unconscious, but had occasional spasms of coughing blood. The anaesthesiologist ran into the room, immediately clipping cannulas and tubes into his veins, he did one arm, I did the other arm.

"Alright, sedating the patient now." He started the procedure of anaesthesia, and I checked his monitor, making sure it wasn't too much for his blood pressure and other vitals.

"Are we all good?" I looked at the guy, and he nodded.

"Ready for surgery." He gave the signal, and immediately, I cleaned the blood all around, intubating the guy just so he'd be able to breathe without choking on his own blood.


It was an intense surgery, by far one of the most complicated ones going. The shard of glass was close to his heart, and any sudden movement could push it in further, going straight through the heart.

He had a case of internal bleeding, and almost lost way too much blood. I was surprised he even made it out alive, even surprised I managed to save his life.

"Stable vitals, the surgery is done." I concluded the surgery, "Bring him to the recovery room." I told the nurses.

They looked at me, blankly as if they didn't understand what I just said. I looked at them.


"Well, the family paid for the VIP room." A nurse said, and I just stared at her, dumbfounded.

"So then bring him to the VIP recovery room...." I thought it was obvious what to do, but I guess not.

They nodded, covering the patient with a sheet and waiting for me. I gave a large sigh, relieved that such a surgery was complete and the guy was safe. I took off my gloves, washing my hands and arms again before walking with the nurses, transferring the guy to the recovery suite.

I was glad he made it, seriously, I couldn't even imagine how the wife must be feeling right now, if she's conscious.

We made it to the VIP recovery department, and already, there were a few people sat in the waiting room, one had his back faced me, on the phone, and the others sat on the seats, looking devastated.

At the sight of me and the nurses carrying the bed with him on it, they stood up, rushing up to me.

"How did it go doctor, is he alright? Please tell me he's okay. Oh my god, he's so pale." A woman placed her palm on his cheek.

"Surgery was very complicated, he lost a lot of blood, internal bleeding and was very close to death, luckily, I managed to save him. He's doing fine, he should be awake soon, and the pale colour should disappear as soon as his vitals are restored to norm." I explained, the man and woman listened to me intently, nodding.

The man on the phone suddenly turned around, and to my surprise, it was none other than Jay. My jaw dropped slightly, and his did too.

He ran up beside the man, staring into my eyes with such hope and urgency.

"Sarang." Was all he said, just my name as he stared into my eyes, sparkling with relief. I gave him a slight nod, transferring the patient into the VIP room, settling him on the bed and connecting him to the machine and the drip.

The family, I assumed, came in, including Jay. 

"Please check on him every hour, page me if his vitals drop below standard." I told the nurses, they both nodded as I turned around, heading for the door.

I didn't look at Jay, although he was looking at me, I just head out, not even bothering to argue with him here, not after such a long and tremendously difficult operation that could've resulted in death.

Instead, he followed me, running up to catch up to me.

"Woah, woah, wait wait." He looked distressed, but now seeing me, he seemed a little more at ease.

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