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"Jay, if you don't get out in five seconds, I'll argue with you so hard that the plane will need to return back to Incheon Airport." I warned him, my voice cold and low.

He gave a sigh, knowing there's nothing he could do to convince me right now.

"Not even five minutes? You can't even spare me that little?" I could tell he wanted to explain and probably apologise and so on, but he should know me, I'm stubborn as hell.

"I wasted a few months with you, that's enough time wasted for me." I retort bitterly back, and after saying that, I felt a wave of guilt crash down on me.

Ouch, I couldn't imagine how I'd feel if someone said that to me. Maybe I did go a little too harsh on him.

He didn't say anything more, just walked out of my cabin and probably to his.

I put my phone back down, giving a large exhale.

Wow, I am truly an evil woman. And not even in a remotely good way.

Maybe I should hear him out, for even a minute. Not right now of course, I just pushed him away, but probably later.

I don't know, I was seriously in a huge state of confliction - worse than I have ever been in before.

Nonetheless, I continued with my casual state of thought, the entire fourteen hour plane ride being me thinking hard about my situation.

I felt like Einstein trying to come to conclusions that seemed reasonable.

We had finally landed, and stepping out of the plane, the warm air greeted me, and immediately my mood upscaled so high.

It looked beautiful here, and I haven't even left the airport premises yet. Everybody was visibly excited, even if they weren't saying it verbally, their lit up faces spoke volumes.

Aside from one person.


He didn't seem phased being in such a picturesque country, a place many would dream to be in. His face was still expressionless, lips lightly pressed together, and his eyes sharply staring forward, not bothered.

"Come on come on guys!! It's so nice here!!!" Eunhye giggled, running into the airport so eagerly.

We dragged our suitcases inside, following the next steps of being in a foreign country. And finally, shortly after passing through customs and border patrol, we made it outside of the airport, a limousine waiting for us with our party name plastered on a piece of paper.

"Aaaaah! Oh my goood!!!!" Go-eun squealed, grabbing my arm tightly and jumping in excitement.

She dragged me quickly to the limousine, the warm, humid air, and the radiant sun bouncing off my cheek really made me realise how tired I was.

Why do I never learn to sleep when the time is right? I had a whole fourteen hours on that plane, and all I did for them - was think about Jay.

Damn, now that I think about it, I think I'm really losing my sanity.

We all sat inside, Jay still with his stoic expression plastered on his face. What? Was me being annoyed at him taking a toll on his sanity too? Because if so, you aren't the only one it's affecting Jay.

I should really talk with him, cause if I don't, I have a suspicion that I won't be able to enjoy my vacation in Italy. And I was so fucking excited to be here.

I gave a quiet sigh, staring at the floor of the limousine, everybody else was enjoying themselves. Why the hell was I being so difficult?

Though, I think if I were to speak to Jay, I'd have to consume at least a litre of alcohol before doing so. I believe that drunk Sarang would get the words I wanted to say out more efficiently than sober Sarang would.

Or maybe that's not a good idea - I'm truly unpredictable especially when I'm not sober.

My phone suddenly rang, and to my surprise, it was actually Eunchae, one of the nurses I spoke to a few days ago.

Oh girl, don't even ask me to come to the hospital, because I'm in a completely different country right now.

They all looked at me, wondering who was calling my phone. Most importantly, Jay was glaring at me, probably curious to death on who was ringing my phone.

I picked up, a smile on my face as I heard Eunchae's voice through the phone.

"CIAO BELLA!!" She yelled through the phone as I laughed, Jay still staring at me.

"You got the wrong words, Ciao is goodbye you idiot." I giggled to myself as Eunchae yawned, it was probably early in the morning for her in Korea.

"What? Really? Damn. I thought it was hello, anyways!!! You're in Italy!! Make sure to send me pictures - and find me that tall Italian boy." She gave a suggestive tone of voice at the end of her sentence.

This girl was revolutionary, seriously.

"Yeah yeah, of course I will. You should sleep, I bet it's late in Seoul." I told her with a smile, Jay would not cut off his staring throughout my whole conversation.

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