Chapter 4

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[A/N]: I'm trying to watch a movie in Graphic Design but these bitches (the guys in my class) are sitting in front of the screen and there's another guy in the spot I sat in yesterday. Anyway... this chapter is dedicated to Liams_princessx3! She made me the fanart in the multimedia :D Cuuuuute!
[Louis' P.O.V] (I really like Louis' P.O.V)

While I called Zayn, Harry sat on my lap to snuggle against my chest and eat the sandwich Niall had made him. Once Zayn finally answered, the first thing he sighed was, "You're not coming in today, are you?"

"I've got a good reason!" I laughed.

"Okay, give it to me," he demanded.

"Well," I brushed my hand across Harry's back. "Just hear me out, yeah? Today Harry and I visited Dr. Shell. You know, to see why he was sick? Well his tests came  back weird... so Dr. Shell did an ultrasound. Harry... he has a female reproductive system inside him?"

"That's... different. So like... he could produce like a girl?" Zayn asked.

"Yes. And he has... Harry's going to have a baby," the younger boy turned and pecked me on the lips.

Zayn was silent for a moment, "Don't play jokes, if you didn't want to come in for whatever reason you should just say so."

"You don't believe me," I sighed. "Do you want me to bring you proof?"

"Proof?" Zayn said slowly.

"I have pictures of the sonograms," I replied, feeling as Harry pulled my hand around to rest on his belly.

"I'm about to go to the bank to visit Chris," he sighed. "Meet me there?"

"When Harry has finished eating," I agreed.

"I have!" Harry said happily. "Now me and Jelly Bean are not hungry."

"We'll see you soon then," I told Zayn, and then we were hanging up.

"You feed Jelly Bean by eating?" Niall gasped, rising from where he was sitting across the table. The blonde boy's tail was wagging wildly as he stood next to us and placed a hand on Harry's tiny bump. "This is so cool, Liam, let's make this happen to me!"

"Give him his space, Niall," Liam laughed. "I don't think it can happen to us. Wouldn't it have happened by now?"

"You're right," Niall said sadly. "But babies! Baby toes, baby fingers, baby clothes!"

"Jelly Bean is growing fingernails and toenails," Harry told Niall proudly.

"Can I hold Jelly Bean when it's born?" Niall asked hopefully.

"Not an it," Harry scowled. "He or she. And Niall held Lucy once and almost dropped her."

"I wouldn't drop your baby!" Niall said in disbelief. "I'd just cuddle him or her and play with their toes!"

"We'll discuss this later, Niall," I chuckled as Harry pushed Niall's hand away from his stomach.

I caressed Harry's stomach, pressing a kiss to his cheek to make him giggle, "We are going to see Zayn?"

"If you're ready to go," I nodded.

"I am," he nodded.

"The bank is a bit more public," I told him. "You'll have to wear your beanie."

The younger boy shrugged, "Okay."

"Do you have to go?" Niall whined.

"We see Harry almost everyday, Niall," Liam chuckled. "You're not going to miss anything important."

Harry stood from my lap, and we went into the living room so he could retrieve the beanie we always had hanging on the coat rack and so I could grab the pictures of our baby. Maisy hurried towards Harry in excitement, and for a moment a fierce wave of protectiveness washed over me, but Niall snapped his fingers and Maisy crawled poutingly to his side. Niall frowned, "Maisy will miss you, too..."

"We'll see you later, Niall," I laughed.

"Sorry for acting the way I did," Liam called. "Congrats, you two."

I opened the door for the younger boy, and he stole a kiss before climbing into the passenger seat. When I got into my side, Harry was already buckled and crooning to his stomach, "You are a good Jelly Bean... it is not your fault that you give my tummy a hurt spot. I  am going to love you very much. I already do!"

I grinned, pulling out my phone and snapping a picture, "My mum is going to need proof... So I'm sending her a picture of you and a picture of the sonogram image. You aren't really showing a lot yet, but since she's had five kids my mum has like... A radar. She instantly know when people are going to have babies."

"I can look at Jelly Bean again?" Harry held his hand out for the envelope, and I nodded.

"Will you hold up Jelly Beans picture so I can take a another picture of it?" I asked, leaning to kiss him softly.

"Yes," he grinned, carefully pulling out one of the black and white pictures.

I held up my phone, "Smile, baby Kitten!"

Harry offered me a large smile, and I snapped the picture and attached it to a text message, sending both the pictures to my mum.

"Sea bell," the younger boy reminded me, reaching for my hand.

I buckled up, starting the car and backing out of the driveway before I took the boys hand in my own. Harry turned up the radio, humming along as we drove. Once we reached the bank, Harry and I walked hand and into the bank and headed to Chris' office. Zayn had Chris cornered behind his desk and they were snogging heavily. I cleared my throat and Harry giggled. They both spun around in surprise, fixing their rumpled clothes and messed up hair.

"So where's this proof?" Zayn asked quickly.

"Beautiful love bite," I informed him, stepping forward to hand him the envelope.

Chris peered over Zayn's shoulder as the quiffed boy opened the envelope and looked at the sonogram images. Zayn shook his head, "But this could be anyone's?"

Harry hurried forward, placing a hand on his tummy, "You can feel if you want?"

Chris was the first to reach forward and place a hand carefully on Harry's stomach, "I..."

"Jelly Bean has been in there for three months," Harry said proudly. "But we only learned today! Jelly Bean is growing fingernails and toenails and stuff."

Zayn examined Harry's face in shock, "There's actually a baby in there. You're really excited about it, cause there's actually a baby."

"Yeah," Chris nodded. "Feel this. His stomach, though it looks like he only ate too much for lunch, is firm."

"My and Louis'," Harry grinned at me. "Our baby."

"That's so... unbelievable?" Zayn placed a hand on Harry's stomach . "How...?"

"His female reproductive system is attached to, um..." I trailed off.

"Gotcha," Chris nodded. "You don't have to explain. But how did he get a female reproductive system. He's male, right?"

"He's male," I laughed, holding my arm out for the younger boy, and he came to wiggle under my arm happily. "Trust me... he is really male."

"Oh," Zayn squinted his eyes. "Thanks for the information."

Harry looked at me in confusion, but I simply kissed his forehead and moved my arm around his waist. In my pocket, my phone began buzzing. I pulled it out to find that the caller I.D read 'Mum'. I answered it slowly, "Hello...?"

"Louis William Tomlinson what is the meaning of this?" my mother screeched.

"Um... information on recent events?" I chuckled nervously.

"You got someone pregnant? And Harry's okay with it? I thought you were gay?!"

"Mum, no!" I gasped. "It's my and Harry's baby. Look at the picture of Harry... at his belly."

"No young man, there's no time to play games! Explain to me right now why-" she ranted, and I quickly handed the phone to a concerned looking Harry.

"Hello, Jay," Harry said happily.

"Harry?" my mother said slowly. "What's going on with you, dear?"

"There is a baby inside me," Harry explained softly, and when there was no reply, he looked at us all before continuing. "It is weird, yes? Because... girls have babies inside them? Only I have girl insides I guess... but I am still normal!"

"You... have a baby?" my mother finally said softly.

"Look at the picture with Harry in it that I sent," I told her.

There was a tapping sound and then my mum sucked in a sharp breath, "That... that does look like a baby belly..."

"Our baby is called Jelly Bean!" Harry said. "Because Dr. Shell does not know if... if the baby is a girl or a boy."

There was a sniffling sound from the other side of the phone, and I slowly asked, "Mum...?"

"When do I get to be a grandmum?" she whispered joyfully.

"So you're not mad," I sighed in relief.

"Wrong!" she gave a teary sounding chuckle. "I'm furious with you for not planning but I'm so happy at the same time. But... I'm also confused and I don't know if I fully believe it? But Harry's gonna get bigger and that'll be my real proof. Do you want me to tell your sisters?"

I looked to Harry, and he shrugged, "You can I suppose... they are going to be the aunts, after all."

"This is so exciting, my first grandbaby!" she gushed. "Have you thought of names yet?"

"Mum..." I said exasperatedly. "We just found out today."

"Oh," she said in surprise. "How far along is he?"

"Three months!" Harry crooned, and I watched as his hand moved to his tummy. "Jelly Bean can grow fingernails and toenails now and...and... I just really love Jelly Bean already."

"You're physically hurting me with your adorableness," Zayn groaned.

"You're getting a look into my life, then," I chuckled, adjusting Harry's beanie.

"Have you found a good doctor?" my mother asked.

"Dr. Shell, Mum," I sighed. "Now I really should go, Chris is on lunch break and we're bothering them so-"

"You're not bothering me," Chris assured. "I'm ready to hear more about Jelly Bean."

"We've basically told you all that we know," I assured. "But Mum, I really gotta go. We'll keep in touch."

"Daily updates, young man," she demanded. "Baby stuff can happen fast and I wanna know."

"Alright, Mum," I agreed. "Talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you!" Harry echoed.

"Love you boys, too," she laughed.

Uniquely Three - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (MPREG) {Book3}Where stories live. Discover now