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4- Captivation


"Good morning, Sunshine!"

Nineteen-year-old Trunks grumbled as he peeked a tired eye open. Endou was standing in front of him, his black hair a mess as usual on the top of his head. Without speaking, Endou walked over to the curtains and pulled them open, causing Trunks to close his eyes tightly and hiss at the sudden light. His head was killing him.

"Such a beautiful morning!" Endou's chipper voice sighed.

"How are you not dead on your feet?" Trunks grumbled from under his blankets. "You had more drinks than me last night."

"Talent and tolerance, my friend."

Trunks peeked his eye out from under his covers to glare at the older Saiyan who was smirking at him. Endou was the son of one of father's long-time friend, Radtiz. The two boys had grown up together and so Endou was more like an annoying relative than anything else.

"Get out of my room before I banish you."

"You've been threatening me with banishment for the last decade," Endou smirked. "I'll believe it when it actually happens. Plus, you need me for mornings like this because you've obviously forgotten."

"Forgotten what?" Trunks grumbled as he finally sat up.

"We have to go to earth for a trade."

"Shit," Trunks hissed under his breath. "And you let me drink last night!" He glared at Endou as he stumbled out of his bed.

"It's not like I held your hand behind your back or anything," the man laughed. "Here," he said, finally holding out a wrapper and water bottle to Trunks. "For your hangover."

Trunks grabbed the items and took the medicine quickly. "How much time do we have left?"

Endou glanced down at his wrist and tapped his bracelet which displayed the time- 9:45. "It's about fifteen minutes until we're supposed to depart," he said easily. "And ten until our fathers find us and yell at us for being late."

"Endou, you bastard!" Trunks cussed as he dashed around his room to grab his clothes and armor. "If you ever take me drinking the night before a trade or raid again- I really will banish you!" He yelled before running into his bathroom.

Endou just threw his head back and laughed.


"There you two are," Radtiz grumbled as Trunks and Endou walked to the parting deck.

"Sorry Appa, the Prince was still sleeping," Endou said.

"Shut up," Trunks elbowed him with a huff.

"Trunks," Vegeta said as he walked up. "Remember to stay on the ship. Just sign the papers."

"I know," Trunks sighed. It was like this every time they traded with earth. As the Prince, his presence was supposed to be known but not seen. For some reason, his father didn't trust the earthlings and Trunks couldn't really blame him. They were selfish and weak creatures.

"You brats ready?" Radtiz asked as he raised a brow. He glanced at Trunks, waiting for his command as the Royal in charge.

"Let's go," Trunks sighed. The sooner they got to the earth, the sooner they could come back home.


Fifteen-year-old Pan entered the dining room with a small frown. For the room to be as big as it was, it was empty. Her mother and Uncle Yamcha were away on a trading deal to the planet Titan and Gohan usually was so busy in the mornings that he didn't have time to eat with them. Pan took her seat near the far end of the table and stared at the plate that was already waiting for her. With a small sigh she glanced at the empty seat in front of her. It was Goten's chair.

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