A Mother's Love

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46- A Mother's Love


The castle walls on Saibogu shook as the queen walked down them. She was shaking with rage as her fist clenched and unclenched. Any servant that was unfortunate to be in her way met her wrath.

Eighteen swung open the door to the study and marched in. Seventeen was lounging on a chair as he flipped through an old book of Krillin's. He glanced up at her arrival and frowned.

"You don't look happy," he commented dully.

She scowled deeply. "Of course I'm not happy," she hissed. "Those Saiyans have ignored five of my letters already! They think just because Marron didn't marry that selfish little Prince of theirs, they can throw me to the side?!" She snarled.

Seventeen let out a sigh and tossed the book over his shoulder, where it landed on the ground with a thunk. "I would say that's exactly what they're doing to you." He gave her an amused grin that irked Eighteen. "Honestly, you sent Frieza to their planet in hopes that he would kill them, but are you surprised they came out victorious?"

Eighteen huffed and crossed her arms. "It's all because of that girl!" She spat. "Who knew she had that kind of power- you certainly didn't!"

A twinge of annoyance crossed Seventeen's face. "No, I didn't," his voice was hard and cold. "She always pretended to be so sickly. Who knew she had that kind of power?" He repeated Eighteen's questions. He let out a sigh and stood up, his face clear of emotion. "But it's fine. It worked out to our advantage."

"How is that?" Eighteen asked bitterly.

"Frieza and all the Kold Empire are dead," Seventeen smirked.

"But the Saiyans are building their own alliances," Eighteen shook. "Haven't you heard? They're trying to make things right, but they won't even respond to me!" She seethed.

"That's not surprising," Seventeen rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about it, alright?" He told her. "I have a plan."

"Which is?" Eighteen asked.

Seventeen just smirked. "You don't worry your little head about it," he said. "Just know that the Saiyans celebrating their victory won't last long. All you have to do is stay still."

Eighteen watched Seventeen leave, and she clenched her teeth together tightly. She hated how he always left her out of things. They were supposed to be a team. They had been that way since before they became Androids.

Once, a long time ago, Eighteen and Seventeen had been humans. Humans that lived such simple and ordinary lives, but everything changed when they thought they had won some special trip to an unknown planet. There was nothing special about it since it was a trap set for both of them.

Gero had been an alien from a faraway planet before turning himself into the monster he was. His planet, Saibogu, was full of weak creatures, much like how he was, until one day, he decided to change that. He learned robotics and engineering. He was a genius and a quick learner, and soon, he was able to not only create cyborgs, but he even turn himself into one. His goal was to have a mighty empire, one that could not be taken down easily.

Gero was an old man by the time he captured Seventeen and Eighteen. Although he had elements of an Android, his hair was whitening, and his face was covered in wrinkles. He worked day and night on Seventeen and Eighteen, determined to make them his best invention yet.

When Eighteen woke up from her transformation, Seventeen was already awake and waiting. Her mind worked faster and better than ever before. She knew things that she had never even thought of, and her vision was spectacular. She gained so much knowledge and power, but the price was her memories. She had a name once, an actual human name, but she had been 'Eighteen' for so long that her old name was so faint in memories that she couldn't even recall it. Seventeen could remember his name just fine though- Lapis.

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