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"I'm an idiot."


"A complete moron."


"A stupid, no good, idiot."


"I should just disappear."

"You know, usually, I'd laugh, but this is kind of sad."

Trunks turned his head away from the hidden corner of the palace's roof, where he was sitting and glared at Endou. "Go away."

"Why? So you can keep banging your head on the wall and give yourself a concussion?" He raised a brow. "What did you do that has you so upset?"

"Nothing," Trunks muttered because he wouldn't think about it. He wouldn't think about how he had gotten hard right in front of Pan and practically purred at her touch. He wouldn't!

"Awe, come on, tell your older and more experienced friend," Endou grinned. "I'll help you."

"Not a chance," Trunks told him with a glare.

"Then, do you want to go get some drinks?"

"Nu-Uh," Trunks shook his head. The last time he got drunk, he ended up going into Pan's bedroom late at night, and after what happened earlier that day, he wanted to stay away from her for a while.

"Then, do you want to help me find some rocks?"

"What is it with you and rocks?" Trunks asked with a huff as he stood up.

"They're made by nature," Endou said as if it were obvious. "Rocks are cool as hell, man."

Trunks rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever. Come on, and I'll help you find some rocks."

"Alright!" Endou cheered.

Trunks followed Endou to the ledge of the castle before they took off to the north where most of the mountains and rocky terrain were at. Since the landscape was covered in rocks of all sizes, it was Endou's favorite place to scavenge. Trunks walked around, kicking a few stones here and there as he followed Endou. He knew better than actually to help him find some rocks. Endou was so picky, and every rock Trunks had ever tried to pick for him wasn't the right type or was the wrong size.

"So, having girl problems?" Endou spoke up from his hunch on the ground.

Trunks' eyes widened as he looked at his friend. How did he know?!

Endou laughed- "you should see your face! No worries, I won't tell," he snickered. "Plus, you said you don't even like Marron like that. It's only fair you find someone you can bond with, right?"

Trunks felt his cheeks grow warm. Bond? With Pan? He wasn't sure about that. He did know that he liked being around her a little bit too much. He let out a sigh. "Yeah, I guess you could say it's about a girl," Trunks confessed. Endou would be the only person he would be able to tell it to anyway.

"You must have done something terrible with the way you were hitting your head and calling yourself an idiot," Endou commented. "I think you need some lessons on how to woo the ladies."

"From you?" Trunks snorted. "Hell no. You've been trying to woo Kimi for the last four years, and you haven't succeeded at all."

Trunks watched in amusement as Endou's cheeks grew red. Kimi was a female Saiyan in Endou's ranking, which was just a year younger than him. She was a slender and fit young Saiyan with shoulder-length dark hair and dark eyes. She was also an incredible fighter and skilled well with a bow and arrow. Endou had been crushing on her for as long as Trunks could remember, and for the last four years, he had been trying and failing miserably to get her attention. 

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